View Full Version : Resizing dxf files?

10-29-2006, 02:25 PM
I've found some free dxf files and i guess i wasn't paying attention in class (sorry Scott) but in part wizard when i set up my part size (2.5 x 4.5") then i import the dxf file it imports it as 52 x50" and is way oversized for my "canvas". Can i resize in partwizard or what would i use to resize the dxf?

Brady Watson
10-29-2006, 03:05 PM
The Transform tool. Watch the PW video that was included with the purchase of your tool. It covers basic tools & toolpaths in PW, Insignia & Pro.

10-29-2006, 03:28 PM
Somehow i knew YOU would have the answer! thanks buddy

my motto:
"Instructions?...we don't read no stinking instructions!"

10-29-2006, 03:53 PM
NO, you can't resize dxf files, you MUST purchase a larger ShopBot in order to cut those files. :-)

Seriously, the vidoes are great, my 9 year old daughter watched them and then proceeded to create a plaque for her door. It's round, has a star on it and her name. I was impressed... slightly envious but impressed. My son, 11, has started using the bot and my daughter insists she can too so I let her load her own file and press start.


10-29-2006, 06:16 PM
So in other words, you're telling me a 9 yr old is smarter than me on the shopbot? Well you're right...lol I'm learning and most of what i got in the class went in one ear and out the other, i forgot to keep at least one of those shopbot earplugs in to keep the info from escaping. As i use each tool more and more i keep remembering what it does. Thanks for the info robert, brady.