View Full Version : Looking to talk boss into buying one

06-28-2005, 01:03 PM
Hey Guys,
Great site you've got here, was wondering if you guys could post some pics in this thread of stuff youve done with your SB. we are looking to buy one. as we have an old outdated "Glassline" router. and would like to be able to show my boss the potential for the SB.
Thanx Stephen

06-28-2005, 01:43 PM

There are lots of pictures on this site already of projects completed with the ShopBot. Have you looked at the Spotlight section on the homepage yet? If you click on it you will see all the past spotlights.

Plus scanning this forum you'll find lots more pictures of projects done with the ShopBot.

Brady Watson
06-28-2005, 02:47 PM
A Shopbot is perfectly aligned with the kind of work that you do. Frank is right....check out the Shopbot spotlights (http://www.shopbottools.com/spotlight.htm) to get an idea just how diversified its uses are. Although I don't display all of the products (most are very protective and confidential) there are some things that you may find of interest on there (http://www.ibild.com)


06-28-2005, 03:16 PM
Hi Stephen, I think that your company (http://www.2-scale.com/welcome.htm) is one of the most ideal candidates for an economical CNC router like a ShopBot. You don't have the huge production runs that super-heavyweight routers (Komo, Multicam, Thermwood, Gerber) are supposedly good at. Your materials and products probably vary from day to day and you need a machine where you aren't sorry to drive a screw into the table if that is for a one-off job. You might not get that last .0005" tolerance that the multi-$$$$ machines are supposed to get, but you'll get more than acceptable results for your industry. Even though a ShopBot is much cheaper than the "Big Boys", you will probably have a faster job turn-around with the ShopBot because of its simplicity and lack of frills.

This thread (http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/messages/2/580.html) had the most pictures in it, but not quite in your industry. Another useful page (http://www.shopbottools.com/users.htm)