View Full Version : Toolpath saving order related to cutting order?

11-18-2006, 11:11 PM
Ok i wanted to make a small round box. It was 6" round O.D. and 5.75" I.D. I did my toolpaths, all looked ok. I saved them as 2 seperate toolpaths named "round box inside" and "round box outside". I open the file to cut "round box inside" as my theory is it is better to hog out the inside while you have more wood holding it. It started up and cut out the outside first, then without stopping it proceeded to cut the inside all at one time even though they were 2 seperate toolpaths.It was 1.75" thick and i told it to cut down to 1.70" leaving a little to hold on to. I do beleive I had the seperate vectors highlighted for each toolpath when i saved them. In other words the inside circle with the toolpath lines in the center showing the removal of the material was one toolpath. The outside circle with only the outside circle highlighted showing the toolpath going around the outside.
Does the order in which you save them determine which is cut first? Why would it cut both toolpaths?

11-18-2006, 11:57 PM
Jack, do you ever sleep? :-)

What does the code look like?

I will try to answer your last question with my limited knowledge: Bet that when you examine the code that you will find that you created a file that contains both routines. Must have selected both paths accidentally.

I realize that's not much help but thought I would pitch in on a late Saturday night (you are not alone).


11-19-2006, 01:46 AM
back to read answers still up 2AM.. It does sound like a path problem. I will try it again and let you know what happens