View Full Version : Custom Models / Sculptures from photos.

10-31-2007, 07:45 AM
Dear all,

We are a company based in Hong Kong and would like to introduce to all members a custom sculpturing service for those jobs that are just too time consuming or hard to do with any CAD software.

We work with our customers from photos they send to us, to their exact specifications and output requirements. We can provide you with the 3D reliefs in STL or RLF or ART format so you can use with your favourite program or alternatively completely manufacture for you the model in a variety of materials, including metals.

We scan our sculptures with a high accuracy 3D Laser scanner with scanning ability down to 3 micron. The resulting STL data is then carefully cleaned and smoothed if necessary to give you the best possible results.

Some themes we work on include people, animals, pets, landscapes, buildings, natural scenes, religious, floral and so on.

Please take a look at some great clay models we have on our website www.modelsculptor.com (http://www.modelsculptor.com) you are welcome to make any special requests there via our enquiry form or email us directly at info@modelsculptor.com (mailto:info@modelsculptor.com)