View Full Version : Thanks ShopBot

07-19-2006, 01:32 PM
Yesterday had a great beginning. I was going down to the Roadway terminal to pick up my new Benchtop. When I arrived, the girl in the office said to follow her into the receiving area. The box had had some kind of accident. The cardboard and wood frame was totally disloged and the box with the controller had been hit hard with something. On closer inspection, the AC cord was severed and the power supply was pushed in about three inches. Very unuseable. We went back inside and called Gary at ShopBot for instructions as what to do. He asked her to take pictures and send them to him and get the box back to him. I accepted the rest of the material as it looked like it had survived OK. No obvious scrapes or scratches on the steel and we looked inside the other box with the Z axis, software, and other hardware and it looked OK. Gary meanwhile got busy and by the end of yesterday had shipped me a replacement controller box which arrived at my house this morning. Is that great service or what! My hat is off to these guys. Before I even got this thing on a bench and put together they have the crunched parts replaced. Talk about a happy camper. I am. Thanks again ShopBot!

07-21-2006, 06:54 PM
Another Thank You to ShopBot...

Wednesday night I was troubleshooting a problem with my X axis (after talking to Frank at ShopBot). I tightened the gear and the X axis still wanted to move a little so I checked my cable connections and sure enough (just like Frank said) the X2 cable had pulled out just a little because of the weight of the cable pulling down. Without thinking I just reached up and pushed the connector back in. Bad idea!! Instantly I heard the sound of electronic components shorting out and the distinct smell of burning circuitry filled my nose. This never happens when all work is caught up so I knew I was in trouble if I couldn't get the control box fixed before the weekend. I called ShopBot and explained the situation and luckily I live only 90 miles from ShopBot's facility because with shipping there would be no way I could get my machine going in time to meet a Monday morning deadline. I drove up today and they started on my repair within a few minutes of my arrival. Thirty minutes of repair and thirty minutes of testing and I was on my way even before the Friday Triangle traffic jam got too bad.

You can’t get that kind of service just any where. You guys have saved the day again.

07-22-2006, 01:05 AM
I cross the cables over behind the connectors and then use a cable tie on the cross over.
I take the cables going into the control box, make a half loop and cable tie to the control box, ensuring a little slack between the tie and the conectors.
This came after an unpleasant experience!!
