View Full Version : One solid day of cutting!!!

09-23-2006, 10:05 PM
I worked from 3:00AM Friday until tonight 7PM cutting and cutting and cutting! I made no mistakes that caused damage (i.e. I caught them all in time) and didn't destroy any materials. It's like having three people working in the shop instead of one.

In this past week I've cut about 5 times the product I'd normally have cut and I spent a fair amount of time fussing with the learning curve still. I did write a short bit changing routine, it brings the spindle to the end of the table and drops down and waits, when done it jogs home. This saves a huge amount of time and makes things seem more seemless.

I rigged up a vac table running 2 shop vacs I had already. I sit them outside the door and block them off running the hoses in so that helps the noise levels. A vac holddown is the way to go! Amazing how even those two vacs make it so I can't move a sheet of 1/2" mdf.

Well, had to tell someone... need sleep... strange little creatures are running around the house again... if I could just get them to do some work.


09-24-2006, 12:44 AM
Mr. Ball
What attracks the bats to go in the bathouses?
if i build one, where is the best place to put it ? Glad to see your bot is helping the bat.

09-24-2006, 08:46 AM
A bat house does not "attract" bats it just has to be there and be appropriate for the bats to use it. On the plus side, there are very few corners of the planet bats don't live.

The mistake most people make is placing bat houses in the shade, on trees, in woods etc... a bat house should be out in the open facing S to SE and getting sun beginning early in the morning and on until at least 2 to 3PM. The bats like it hot, roost temps should remain above 85 degrees and below 100. The closer water, even a pool, the better.

There is the "Bat Builders Handbook" available from BCI that has two bat house plans in it. The book also covers colors, placements and bat facts. I also sell the book but it's not online yet in my Harry Store, it should be there next week. Nobody makes much of nothing on them for $8.95 each so purchase one whereever you wish, it's a good resource.
