View Full Version : Anyone interested in a filesharing website?

04-15-2007, 02:02 AM
Because it's virtually impossible to share files on this forum for a myriad of reasons I would be willing to go to the trouble (and expense) to putting up a simple depository type site for us to share our files with each other. Before i do all that i'd like to gauge the interest in something like that.
If you have files to share or need files or are interested in this idea email me and let me know basically the types of things you have to share and how much so i can gauge how big a depository i might need or respond here letting me know. This is just an idea don't want to make this a major undertaking just a simple project if anyone is interested.

04-15-2007, 11:04 AM
I created this at yahoo dunno if its any good but its free =)

04-15-2007, 11:35 AM
Danny, I tried out the Yahoo Group, I posted some photos on your group. Found it very easy to post. No size restrictions. Also of interest, you are able to view the images in two different sizes. Hopefully others will join in.

Bill Thorpe

04-15-2007, 11:55 AM
cool!! hope it grows I really hate this forum it takes 10x as long to post pics (a picture tells 1,000 words).

Sometimes I just make cool files and want to post somewhere to share with others but no place to do so

04-15-2007, 04:15 PM
Danny, I read your other post about not being able to upload project wizard files which was what got me to want to do this, you just beat me to it! This is great, i'm going to send some things and lets coloraborate to make this work!

04-15-2007, 04:27 PM
I did it about 3 months ago I just forgot haha.

I made it last time this came up. But it is a constant bother to share with other people here.

They were saying that alot of shopbotters are on dial up.

I just cant see that. The user base here is tech saavy enough that they would know better. Spend the extra $10 per month =)

Anyways its up and running Im trying to finish up a cabinet then Im gonna organise my files and upload them for all of us to share.

04-15-2007, 08:47 PM
Good move Danny. I've just uploaded a couple of files to share. I tried to do that here on the shopbot forum, but they were a whopping 52K (stripped naked), so they were rejected.

I plan on uploading many more there. Look at how many people joined just today!!!

04-15-2007, 11:03 PM
Theres alot of files already! when we reach the limit of 100 mb per section Ill store on my server and link with description.

04-16-2007, 03:22 PM

I think there's a lot of us who certainly has the savvy, but simply don't have providers since we live/work in rural areas.

At my home in the city, I have 100Mbit/sec access for 40 bucks a month, out here at work I'm on 56k dialup. It's like living with one foot in the steam engine age and the other in the moon landing era...

I'm getting WiMAX installed next month, but even for a $1k antenna installation that isn't faster than vanilla ADSL.

Anyway, the yahoo group seems great, already signed up.

04-16-2007, 10:10 PM
Good deal. I think theres over 100 members now.

Everyone check back for new file uploads and please by all means upload your cool files.

If the limit gets reached you can email me the file and Ill put a link in the catagory folder and link it to my server so it can be easily accessed.

I love it everytime someone uploads something new and its all catagorized etc. Easy access!

Forum Admin
04-17-2007, 10:31 AM
It's time to take this discussion about the filesharing site to the filesharing site. You might want to post the URL under the topic for ShopBotter Websites and Blogs.