View Full Version : Jamboree Follow up

04-25-2004, 09:17 AM
Had a good time, didn't get to stay the whole time. Wanted to say thanks to the fine folks at ShopBot.

Matt (Covenant House) I didn't get a chance to finish our conversation in regards to your furniture development. Here is the website to Furnucci. http://www.furnucci.com

I'll get you that info on the colored MDF when I get back to the shop tomorrow.

Also, I may be going back up to Bethesda in the very near future, probably be going back and forth a good bit over the next couple of months. I'd love to come by and check your program out sometime. Email me if you read this, I'll email you shortly.

To anybody else I may have left incomplete thoughts or conversations with (and I know there were a few), my apologies for rushing off, email me or contact me if I can be of any help, or plan to come by the shop if you're in Atlanta, I always love to stand around the machine and chew the fat with kindred spirits...

04-25-2004, 09:20 PM
Well the Jamboree dust has finally settled at ShopBot and we're sure that Norb has everything back in it's place and ready to start back to work tomorrow morning...it's time for some quick thank-you's.

*) ALL the ShopBot staff for doing so much to make this a success. It's an incredible amount of work and just couldn't happen without help from everyone at ShopBot. A special thanks to Sallye for doing 3 different training sessions during the Jamboree, including a Level 1 training on Thursday for 60 people!

*) The vendors that gave up their weekends to show all of us so much, both during the formal presentations and in one-on-one sessions at their tables.

*) The many sponsors that helped out with meals, prizes, and all kinds of support.

*) Martha for dealing with the hundreds of details that the two of us fussed and whined about doing.

*) (from Bill Y.) Many thanks to my partner in crime Bill P. for all his hard work in keeping everyone "on-task", being a great Ringmaster, and for always knowing the answer when I'd ask "What am I supposed to be doing?"

*) Most importantly, thanks to all the ShopBotters that attended for making it a great time. There were lots of familiar faces, many who had attended all three Jamborees so far, but also many new ones. You made it worth all the work.

the 2 Bills

04-25-2004, 09:35 PM
I'll second Bill Y's comments above. It was great to meet with a lot of people face to face for the first time, and have full conversations instead of e-mail snippets.But since it was it was really an action packed weekend, I didn't get the chance to spend as much time with people as I had hoped to.Maybe next time......
One thing we'd like to ask is that if anyone has pictures from the Jamboree, PLEASE send them to; info@shopbottools.com (mailto:info@shopbottools.com), but in the subject line include something like "Jamboree pictures" so Nancy will know that she can open the attachments.

04-25-2004, 11:20 PM
My 2 cents,

Shopbot, This was My third of three Jamborees and must honestly say the best. The format was excellent. The hard work that went into planning was evident. The show and tell session was very educational and worked better than in previous Jamborees. Vendors were exciting and truly shared in the ShopBot spirit. I hope that they continue their working relationships with ShopBot.
Before I get too long winded I want to say to all of the shopbot folks and associates Thank you for the help, the sharing, and the friendship. You truly are a company I am proud to be associated with.

Bill Jarvis

04-26-2004, 07:39 AM

As Bill stated, my third Jamboree also, and they just seem to get better each year.

A big THANK YOU to all the planners, and supporters, and to ShopBot, for allowing this 4th Jamboree to happen !!

Also, to all the old friend, and the new ones - IT WAS GREAT !!!

Paul & Joyce Nielsen

04-26-2004, 07:55 AM
To: All
Thank you!, I have a list of people to say thanks to. While I could start with the great people at "SHOPBOT" then to the stack of business cards I have collected, then on to my least reliable source, my memory. I will instead tell you all what a genuine pleasure it has been. Every body made me feel not only like a friend but, I felt as part of a family.
I aplogize to: Salle, for the very short rendention of the dance I promised you, "she was very busy". To Grant, sorry Grant, I waited for your return bout an hour, Joe had to go. (I think visual mill is the ticket). Diane, Got any hats?.........,sorry for the hard time. Thanks for the hug!

04-27-2004, 03:12 PM
I want to add my comments and thanks regarding the Jamboree. I'm a new kid on the block-- I just purchased a PRT96 and this was my first real exposure to the ShopBot community (other than the forum which I have been studying for months). My son and I had a great experience at the Jamboree. We learned a lot from many creative botters and the folks at ShopBot. It was amazing to see the spectrum of people, projects, applications, and capabilities that make up the ShopBot community. We also met some wonderful people that we will continue to network with in the coming years.

I want to thank everyone who helped make this event happen. Thanks to the two Bills and all the other users who really are the force behind the forum and the Jamboree. Thanks to the entire staff at ShopBot-- what a great group of people. I especially want to recognize how you all made yourselves a resource to us during a time when you are all so busy getting the Alpha ready to ship!

Happy and profitably botting to all.

04-27-2004, 05:31 PM
Just a note of thanks to all of the GREAT folks at ShopBot! My experience was a good one and I look forward to the next Jamboree. My wife stayed in the Hotel for two days by herself with my two girls and next year she wants to learn about all of the neat stuff firsthand. A good wife, who can find?
I am looking for ShopBotters in the LA (lower Alabama) area to network with as I am a new owner since Feb. 2004. I am learning constantly and look forward to learning more. If anyone would like to come by the shop and see "big blue" in action, I would welcome a visit.
Thanks again to Donna who listened to all my questions during the buying experience. It was good to see the faces behind the phone.
Have a great day!

04-27-2004, 05:59 PM
Just a quick note to say THANK YOU ONE & ALL!
Had a great time and learned alot, only wish I could've been there for the Thursday class, but bought my plane ticket before the class was posted. All the new upgrades are fantastic, keep up the good work. I hope to see you all again next year.

04-28-2004, 09:38 PM
Regarding that colored MDF product... it is called Valchromat. Does anyone know who distributes this product in the USA ? I searched through google and froogle but only turned up info on their overseas locations.

04-29-2004, 11:55 AM
Parkwood Chicago Inc.
2100 S. Foster Ave.
Wheeling, IL 60090

04-29-2004, 12:09 PM
Someone dropped off a piece of dyed MDF at my Camp here in October. It is made by SierraPine, and their web address on the sample is www.sierrapine.com (http://www.sierrapine.com)
They list an address of 985 Corinth Rd., Moncure, NC 27559, 800-334-2250

05-06-2004, 08:30 AM
There are now pictures of the Jamboree posted on Shopbot's main web page!!!

martha@shopbottools.com (Unregistered Guest)
05-06-2004, 08:56 AM
The Hilton sent over cloths that were left in room 306 after the Jamboree. Please contact me so I can ship them to you.
