View Full Version : Prodigal Son - read before buying any other CNC

04-28-2007, 07:53 AM
I owned a prt96 and used it to start a fairly successful business. Last year, I decided that I had outgrown my old shopbot and looked at the old Alpha machine. At the time, the new PRS wasn't available so I decided to go with another brand.

That was the worst mistake of my life! I am legally bound not to mention the name of the machine as a condition of the refund. That tells you something doesn't it? I drove the machine back to their factory twice. (2500 miles round trip each time) I just returned the machine Thursday. (3rd trip)

I won't tell you the name of the company but I can tell you the machine that I bought had THK ballscrews and linear guides and was welded frame construction. Turns out that the company was simply applying these quality components to un-milled metal. Warps, cups and twists are all over 10' of any metal that isn't milled. I couldn't get their machine to quit shaking, violently at times, at various places all over the machine so I won't be complaining about the PRS arch chatter. My brother is a jig and fixture/machinist guy at the Goodyear aircraft factory in Foley, AL. He came with some of his equipment and made measurements around my machine. He told me that I got f'ed and that the machine was a piece of "s". We couldn't fix it without replacing the entire table.

My finance company, Northland Capital, was great on getting me out of my old machine and into a new PRS. I didn't have to close the old lease and start a new one like many companies would have done. They simply added an equipment exchange form and applied the refund then bought the PRS Alpha. My payments went down and I now have a machine coming that will cut straight. All of this happened within a couple of hours of showing up at their office in St. Cloud, MN on wednesday.

I've been watching what's going on with the newer bots for a few years now. While I see that there may be issues, they are at least minor and correctable.

After seeing what the competition has to offer, I won't be complaining too much in the future about the shopbot.

04-28-2007, 08:39 AM
Welcome back, Wes. Aren't you the Doorbot guy?

04-28-2007, 09:03 AM
Yes Tom, that's me. Still in business, but barely after the last machine nearly drove me out of business. I was spending up to 10 minutes per door sanding after they were cut. Multiply that by a 60 door house and you have an extra 10 hours per job just sanding the chatter marks out. I didn't have that problem with my old prt96. Speed was the problem there.

A little more about Northland Capital. Any other company would have charged me penalties to end the lease early. That would have cost a couple of grand at least. Then I would have had to re-apply and come up with the first and last months payments again. They saw my needs and structured their lease around them.

I'm definitly going to be their advocate and suggest that if you are leasing that you call them. Very friendly people. BTW they hold their own notes. That means they can restructure them as they see fit.

Last year when I didn't get my machine (can't mention name) in time, they simply moved one payment to the end of the term. They didn't re-calculate finance charges etc... like any other company would have done.

This sounds like an ad for them, but I have never been treated so fairly by a financial institution before. They told me that they were interested in me making money since it was ultimately good for their business also.

04-28-2007, 09:56 AM
Wes good luck with the new PRS
I remember looking at a company from Mn where I live called Shop Saber. It looked like a nice machine but heard several negative things about the machine. I am very happy with my new PRS. All the issues I have had I have been able to overcome through fine tuning and tweaking. The only issue I am waiting to be resolve is the squareness of the Z. Shop Bot says they are sending out a plate that goes between the router and the router harnes that should let me adjust the squareness. For now I have shoved shims in the harness it self to twist the router square to the table.

04-28-2007, 11:27 AM

I'm curious - since I'm assuming the other machine was more than the ShopBot, did you see it actually run at the factory prior to purchasing it? Being that you obviously had production CNC experience, I'm really interested in what happened to your machine, or what was different from the machine you saw perform.

04-28-2007, 04:10 PM

Glad to here that you made the trip ok and that the various details have worked out well! Hope I didn't hold you up at the wayside too long!


04-28-2007, 10:49 PM
Have not had time to contact you to see how it was going. Sorry to hear about your problems with the other machines. Glad to see you back to a shopbot. Your old one still runs great and it has taught me a lot. I just bought a house and will be moving it again. Love those jacks.
Good luck with your PRS.

04-29-2007, 10:02 AM
Scott, that's one of the coolest smilys I've seen. Where did you get it?

04-29-2007, 12:56 PM
This is a bit off the topic, but I wanted to get more information about Andre's Z car squaring. Mine was also slightly off in the X direction, and I also added some shims. So Andre, let me know how the adjustable mount works when you get it. If it works well I'll probably want one also.



04-29-2007, 02:12 PM
Its funny
All of the tweaking I am doing to get things in line. All neccessary and I am glad to get to the my machine this way.
the only frustration has been with the Z up and down the y axis. I talked to Scott at SB and we went through some things. I ended up taking the car off the carraige and loosining the up and down aluminum track and tapping it over slightly. I put the car back on tighten things up and of course was still not square. But I did manage to shim the router harness enough on the top and opposite down side (between the actual router and sleeve)and managed to get the thing square. Apparantly the inbetween plate should allow for more adjustment. We will see. I asked why Sb did not build in any adjustment for the z to allow for errors and he said the designers said it was not possible. Come on not possible? Any ways I want to thank scott for walking me through things. I am definitly loving my machine now and all the new possiblities before me.
So Denver, yes I will let you know.

04-29-2007, 04:28 PM

You have mail.

05-01-2007, 06:56 PM

Speaking of Doorbot is it still being updated or available, I don't see any information on your website and I have emailed you a couple of times with no response. Thanks,