View Full Version : Two questions would you use this endmill and should I get a small blower?

05-06-2007, 01:22 PM
One of my first paying jobs is to cut this 1.5" thick bamboo plywood into nice shapes. I had a ½” endmill that had a 3” cutting length I got for mortises. a 2f carbide made in usa I think it was a putnum brand. Well on the test cuts in ½ particle board some of the holes on the last plunge I would get a twang or think that made the z springs twang and the hole would be a bit chipped. The big sounded noisy just running. So I was think just too much flex and found a 4f 1/2 “ same brand and finished cutting the test piece. But as soon as the bit touched the bamboo it was chattering and smoking. The feed was 100ipm and about 12000 rpms. Later I was thinking with 4f the feed was too fast. But I was only removing about ¼”
Ok so I take it I need to buy the right bit Monday (G)
Ok onto blowers for about 300 is iot a better buy to get another fein or a blower off of ebay? http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40&satitle=Regenerative+Blower+- (http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40&satitle=Regenerative+Blower+-)

Brady Watson
05-06-2007, 03:30 PM
Steer clear of 4-flute cutters on the router. You want 2-flute. Ideally you should not be cutting with a bit that has a cutting length more than 25% the thickness of your material. You get too much tool deflection with a long tool.

Buy a Fein. It's cheaper and will outperform the blowers shown in your list. If you have 3 phase, there are other options.


05-06-2007, 03:38 PM
Afterwards I was figuring it was the 4f. but it was all I had. can I use a 1/4" bit cutting 1.5" ply? the final pass would save the whole depth so I was not sure.
I do have 3 phase but I can'
t afford a bigger blower till I make some money. not sure if I want the noise either.

Brady Watson
05-06-2007, 04:35 PM
You can use a 1/4" bit to do that, just go easy on the stepdown per pass. If you set it to .25" per pass, you'll be fine.

The Fein is the way to go if you want performance for not a lot of money. When you get the money, you might want to get yourself one of these bad boys -> Becker VTLF 250 SK. It does 175 CFM and 25" Hg. It WILL suck in small animals and anything that isn't bolted down! (Let's hope that never happens) They are about $9k (ShopBot now sells them)...I just scored a nicely maintained one from a Boeing auction for $1400.
More details when I find the time to hook it up! I'm excited about the possibilities it will now offer me over my Fein setup.


05-06-2007, 09:20 PM
"Ideally you should not be cutting with a bit that has a cutting length more than 25% the thickness of your material"

Not sure exactly what you mean here.

Anyway I routinely cut 3/4" material in one pass with a 1/4" compression spiral with my lowly PC router.

Brady Watson
05-06-2007, 09:59 PM
A general rule of thumb when cutting 3/4" material is don't use a tool with a cutting length over 1" long or you will be dealing with bit deflection.

For someone just starting out with an eye on economy, a compression spiral is a bit pricey & a challenge to use properly. Especially without vac hold down.
