View Full Version : Can't get machine to reset?

10-31-2006, 08:52 PM
I cut a litho yesterday, no problem. Went out today to start a file and the control box doesn't seem to want to reset itself.
1)I shut control box off, wait 1 min, turn control box on, start up shopbot software.
2)solid Red light on #4 is on.
3) go back to control box hit the reset button
4) hit k for keypad try to move carriage, i get error message something like "drive motor default, reset drivers" I go back to control box hit reset, no click like you normally hear.

I also get error message "emergency stop hit, please reset button" (or something like that).

If i go down and click the swith to do "preview", then back up to move/cut the light on #4 turns to the "red center/green corners" as opposed to the solid red, but when i try to JH i get same "driver default" error message.

I have tried every combination of turn on/ shutdown I know to get the control box to give me a loud "click" but nothing happens. (USB cable is plugged into same port on computer it always is)
Any ideas?

10-31-2006, 09:21 PM
FYI...problem resolved. I went over to circuit breaker after shutting all down and rest circuit breaker and upon restarting it let me reset. The board, even though turned off must retain certain things and by shutting circuit breaker it must kill that. THANKS anyway!

11-01-2006, 11:28 AM

I've had this to happen several times, don't know what fixes it, like you I just keep doing combinations and then it seems to work.

11-01-2006, 02:31 PM
I'm sure there must be certain chips on the board that retain information (much like the chip in a computer that keeps your clock running) it probably retains some type of buffer memory and by cutting the power to the board completely that dumped whatever information that wasn't allowing me to reset the control box. Today i had no problem when i went to start up, so next time it happens go to your circuit breaker and reset it there. Unless someone who knows more than me can speak up if its not a good thing to do?

11-03-2006, 11:30 AM
It could be a sticky relay. I've been seeing the same thing and posted a thread in the 'troubleshooting' section about sticky relays.

One of the relays actually sticks closed (One of the two on the right side, iirc) and then the system won't reset. Once you cycle power or let it sit for a while, it may be opening up.

I sometimes have to open the box and tap on the relay to get it to reset. I keep meaning to replace them, but haven't got around to it yet.

I also have problems with the relays sticking open, and the router won't turn on. Same thing, 'help' by manually pressing the plunger on the relay.