View Full Version : Indexer confusion??
02-24-2007, 05:37 PM
I'm just setting up my indexer and using the indexer virtual tool I made a file that takes a 3" square and makes it a round 2" column. I lower my Z axis Zero all 3 axis at the center of the proposed column. I tell it to go. The Z axis raises up 3" and the X axis goes extremely slow making a clicking noise I assume because of the slower speed. My estimation of the speed is 1/4 to 1/2" a minute. Is this a normal sound?
The A axis readout is moving (I assume the A axis takes place of the X axis reading) as the carriage moves in the X axis.
However the stepper motor is not turning (The B axis). However when i manually stop the file from running by hitting the spacebar the stepper motor rewinds 1/4 turn as if it is returning to some starting point. During the running of the file the B axis never turned at all.
On my legacy the it has a motor that turns the stock as the router moves down the X axis so i know the B axis should be turning.
My settings are correct according to the indexer.pdf setup document. The only thing i can guess, which i can't find anything to tell me this is what its doing, is that when you first start a rounding file you are supposed to set the Z to the highest corner (So it starts in a diamond shape as opposed to a flat 90 surface. That would account for the B axis not turning because it is clipping the corners off first, is that assumptionm correct?
Does anyone have a sample rounding file or any type of file that they know works that i could use to see if if it works correctly on my machine? I'd like to rule out operator error in file creation as a first step to figure out what is going on here.
If you have any other type of documentation or commands i'd like to see that also.
On page 3 of indexer instructions under the header "the indexer software" it says "Copy the indexer.sbp file to your shopbot working directory or SBparts directory...."
Is the "indexer.sbp" file the part file you create with the indexer tool "wizard" or is it the indexer control software?
I don't have that file or these others in any folder anywhere:
Does anyone know if this is downloadable from shopbot, cuz i can't find it there anywhere. Or can someone send me these for a PRTAlpha? If anyone has any other documentation or resources to help me with this please let me know where to get it.......thanks
02-24-2007, 06:38 PM
Hey John,
The first thing to check is that your B-axis is setup correctly. Zero the B axis [ZB] and then type MB, 360 and see if it makes a full 360 degree circle at a reasonable speed.
If it doesn't move at all, make sure that all the cables are connected and that the cable is plugged into a driver that's set as the B-axis. If it just moves a little bit try typing VD and make sure that the B axis is set for degrees, not inches.
It looks like you're using the original DOS indexer instructions and not the current one. You can download the current version from the ShopBot web site or look in your "C:\Program Files\ShopBot\Virtual Tools\Indexer" folder. They'll give you setup info with unit values and speeds and also instructions on using the Indexer virtual tool.
02-24-2007, 08:40 PM
The text i quoted was from the manual i got, and the pic shows the contents of my indexer folder. So I guess i have the wrong and missing software. I looked under support/drivers/control software and other places but couldn't find anything. I saw this:
Which is a installation tutorial and instructions on using virtual tools but could not find any of the correct indexer driver files. Do these files have the files in them that i listed above? Do you happen to have the link where they are? THANKS Bill.
02-24-2007, 08:41 PM
The text i quoted was from the manual i got, and the pic shows the contents of my indexer folder. So I guess i have the wrong and missing software. I looked under support/drivers/control software and other places but couldn't find anything. I saw this:
Which is a installation tutorial and instructions on using virtual tools but could not find any of the correct indexer driver files. Do these files have the files in them that i listed above? Do you happen to have the link where they are? THANKS Bill.
02-24-2007, 08:43 PM
Brady Watson
02-24-2007, 08:48 PM
There are no 'driver' files. Give yourself a little more time to figure out how the indexer works. It uses the B axis (as it says on page 3 of the link you posted) and the unit values are different.
Read the indexer virtual tool instructions. Then go out to the tool and try moving the B axis by typing in 'MB'. You have ALL the software you need to use the indexer. PartWizard coupled with the PDF tutorial will get you started.
02-24-2007, 08:58 PM
You have all the files and information that you're supposed to have...the other files that you are asking about are from the DOS software and won't run with the current indexer setup. You can use the Indexer Virtual Tool to create files to run the indexer, or 3d software like ArtCAM Pro or Rhino if you want to do sculpture-like stuff...I can't help with that though.
FYI, there will be a minor update to the Indexer Virtual tools in the next version of the ShopBot software... I think it's already in the beta version.
02-24-2007, 11:08 PM
I discovered why i'm having problems. I type
MB 1, nothing happens. So for grins I type MA 1 and guess what happened? The indexer stepper motor (with the lathe chuck on it) moved! So I guess that TOO is wired backwards like the other add ons that shopbot installed.
When i typed MB 1 the degree window counted from 1.000 to 0 and that took 1-2 minutes but nothing seemed to be moving, or it was so slow and imperceptible i couldn't see it.
Now i have to figure out how to change A to B too.
Any hints? thanks for your help.
Brady Watson
02-25-2007, 12:01 AM
Easy there grasshopper...I doubt it is a case of ShopBot wiring anything incorrectly. Just go into the control software and Use VD & VI to define what channel goes to what axis. Make sure your software is setup with ALL 5 axes enabled. If by chance B & A need to be swapped, use VD to swap them. Fixed.
02-25-2007, 01:14 AM
Then can i "snatch the pebble"?...I'll check it out. Thanks Po
02-25-2007, 06:44 AM
Hi Jack
Check out this page
This shows how to setup the DIP SWITCHES etc.
Bot on
02-25-2007, 08:46 AM
Just to check the simple things first, do you have a seperate B-axis driver for your indexer? If so, look in your control box and double-check that the cable from your indexer is plugged into the B-axis connector on the board and not into the A-axis connector.
If you don't have a B-axis driver (or if you are plugged into the B-axis driver but A-axis commands are moving the indexer) then go through the steps that Brady suggested to set your software to the correct settings.
Brady Watson
02-25-2007, 12:00 PM
I would't mess with the wiring or change the plug from channel 4 to 5. There are other things that have to be done on an Alpha...and if you don't do them right, the control box won't work at all. Change the VD to swap an axis if needed.
02-25-2007, 04:19 PM
Hi Jack
could you take a picture the circut board where the additional drives are pluged in and post it here ?. I hooked up 2 drives to my alpha and I might be able to help by seeing what you got in yours .
02-26-2007, 02:59 AM
Ok, I see how to change what unit of measurement A and B will readout. I have A reading degrees and B reading inches.
But now that raises a few more questions. Lets say someone creates a file for rounding a cylinder, for example, and their system is set up with A reading inches and B reading degrees and they send that to me. Will this file work for me on my setup or will it work backwards?
Is there a default configuration that most botters use (what is A and B usually set as?)
I downloaded a shopbot file from another thread as a test (36in 3in to 1in tapered column.sbp)
My results were this:
X axis traveled the right distance (36")
the Z plunged from 0-.200 1st pass
a total of 8 passes to reach a depth of 1.00
During the running of this file the A axis never turned.
After Zeroing everything, When i give it this manual command MA 1 it moves the lathe 1/4 turn and the A reads out 1.000deg
If 360 represents one complete revolution then that 1/4 revolution should equal approx. 100 degrees?
MA 100= 25 revolutions
MA .01= 1 degree
MA .5= 1/2 revolution
MA 10= 2 1/2 revolutions
Are these readings on track?
Here is a pic of the inside of my box. The indexer is on the far left.
02-26-2007, 07:40 AM
Hi Jack
Did you change the channel 4 to act as a " B" under the VALUES / INPUT DRIVER DEF... menue ?
WHat are the drive numbers that you have for the 4 th and 5th drive in there ?. Did you install them ?. What is hooked up to drive 4 and 5 ?.
Bot on
02-26-2007, 08:31 AM
If you use the Indexer Virtual Tool to create your files then you'll have to get the indexer turning as the B axis. The Alpha boards should be setup that way by default when you get an indexer and my vote would be to call tech support when you're near the tool...that's the quickest way to get up and running.
The one advantage to getting it setup in the control box rather than with software switching is that if you end up installing the Control software on a new computer or doing a clean install and haven't made a backup of your ini file, you'll have to remember to make those software changes again or you'll have the same problems.
02-26-2007, 09:37 AM
On the file you used it was set up for Rose who does not have any indexer motor. She just has a lathe set up under her spindle. The lathe turns separate from the ShopBot. If you look at the .sbp file you will notice that it just has J3 and M3 commands. For your indexer setup you would have J5 and M5 commands. The last two parameters are for A (which we don't use for the indexer) and B which should contain the amount of rotation in degrees.
02-26-2007, 03:16 PM
Randy, So it didn't move because it wasn't programmed to move. Now you tell me! lol. I wanted to use a file that used all the axis's that someone else created to rule out operator error in file creation from me. Do you have a file you could post or send me that is maybe a rounding file or even something bigger that moves the axis's so i can test them? I think I have some other changes to make and would like to use that file as a "control" file, since i know it would be made correctly. Thanks!
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