View Full Version : Jamboree Contact

08-18-2005, 12:09 PM
I am trying to get in contact with a guy that I talked to at the Jamboree this year. He had a part- time SB business and one of the areas he dealt in was Dovae Solid Surface materials. If this is you, could you please contact me at matt@digitalrouterworks.com (mailto:matt@digitalrouterworks.com) .

This brings up a interesting suggestion. What do you guys think of having an online Jamboree yearbook of sorts. This could be on this forum or on the SB web site directly. But I envision a page that contains an individual picture of those that attended, a little bio of their business, and contact information. You could take pictures as people check in. Use of pictures/information in the yearbook would be used by permission of the attendee only. Anyway, just a thought. I've had at least a couple of times that I've come back from Jamboree and was trying hard to remember the name of someone I talked to.



08-18-2005, 04:30 PM

I couldn't be sure but it could have been me.
I have worked with Dovae and have been happy with it and usually suggest it to shopbotters. I agree about the Jamboree, I love it but I do get overheated with information and leave the show trying to remember my own name.

Bill Jarvis

08-22-2005, 02:57 PM
Hey Matt,

I think we all suffer from "insufficient memory" after the Jamboree and we've tried to figure out ways to make it easier to sort out who's who after it's all over. The problem is always manpower...there are just too many things to do.

If anyone would like to offer to put something together...maybe a voluntary directory of some kind with pictures and info on what sort of things each person does...we'll do all we can to help out with the infrastructure. Send us an email at campshopbot@shopbottools.com (mailto:campshopbot@shopbottools.com) if you're interested in helping out.
