View Full Version : Don't we get anything for a referall anymore?

06-30-2008, 02:47 AM
I was told some time back that if we get someone to buy a shopbot that we got a referall bonus? Is this not the case? I have a freind who bought a shopbot and I have never received anything from shopbot? Is the referall demo program still on or have they done away with this?


06-30-2008, 01:07 PM
Call Shopbot

06-30-2008, 05:55 PM
you need to tell shopbot thats what I was told when they called me about demo's.

06-30-2008, 07:32 PM

I think that you have to have the prospect fill out the form that is included in the manual and sign it and then send it in to ShopBot and then when and if they purchase they will send you a referal check. Has worked for me.

06-30-2008, 11:18 PM
They have people call me all the time lol..

Dunno if any have sold but Im a hell of a shopbot salesman.

Please send my free 3d probe to :


06-30-2008, 11:39 PM
I've had many people stop by (perhaps partly because of the unique business model)... I only know of 2 that bought and I did get a referal check. You have to let ShopBot know when someone comes by to make sure you get your credit.

I use to get people calling to come see often the first year, now not so much. I still get calls and emails but they want to see a PRS Alpha, not the PRT and I encourage them to seek out a PRS since it's the newest bot.

I was toying with the idea of selling the bat bot and buying a new PRS with twin Z's but I just can't warrant the costs. I hate to put more money into a second Z for this PRTAlpha feeling I could put it toward a PRS, but the second Z on the PRT looks like my best option... unless I win the lottery.


06-30-2008, 11:45 PM
you have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning!

07-01-2008, 08:24 AM
I don't remember if they send a check automatically or not. I didn't give them time to send a check on the last referal I had, because I got the 4G upgrade and they deducted the referal from it. Call Diane or Frank and they can get you straight.

07-01-2008, 02:53 PM
So jack... what you are saying is if I get struck by lightning (and I suppose I have to survive) I should call shopbot and they'll ship me a PRS Alpha 60-96 with 4HP and 2.2HP HSD's on twin Z's for free?

Wow, what a deal. :-)


07-02-2008, 12:00 AM
I'll go one better for you...If you get struck by lightning I will play the lottery and if i win i will send you a new machine...are the odds looking better now?

07-02-2008, 02:03 AM
when I visited with a shopbotter near me, he asked me to complete a form that he could sent to shopbot,he told me they offered $100 if someone bought, I would hope that shopbot would honor such a referal program, as it is a very low cost method of buying the tool, quite honestly, had I had to rely strictly on the salesmanship and business policies of the company, I might not have bought the machine as I fell that I have been continually met with a take it or leave it attitude from the company, right down to the point when I requested an additional manual for a highly skilled future shopbot owner I was told that I could download it and print it out, or pay $40 for the couple hundred laser printed, hole punched pages in the $2 binder. when I made the same request to laguna, as well as woodmaster, those manuals were fedexed to me the next day, along with beautiful and personal introductory letters. in all my business endevors, my success has always been as a result of good will with my customers, this forum alone is proof positive that the customers sell the product by far better than the 1/4 page ads with the exception of the personal interest that Bill Palumbo takes with each and every one of us, I can not say that spirit is there in the rest of the company.

to all that are offended by my ramblings, I apologize, but the fact is when I paid my money, I like all other shopbotters, became a potential asset to the organization as an impromptu local field representative, when the company comes to realize that this belief is truth, and starts nurturing these relationships, they will realize a tremendous reward, in this day and age, it is not enough to stand behind a product that is defective, a company needs to actively nurture each and every business relationship, else they are leaving wads of money on the table for someone else. we all may never need another shopbot for our own, we do however know many people who might.

07-02-2008, 07:04 PM
Just to update everyone on this. I did call shopbot and it turns out that my freind had looked at another bot in addition to mine. Although he had called and talked to me a hundred times the person who showed him theirs was more informed than me and he had sent the name to shopbot for the referal. So this other person got the referal money. Once I talked to shopbot about it and am now clear on the procedure I will get credit in the future for the demos. Diane at shopbot did give me half credit for the referal though.

If you show your Bot to a potential buyer. Here are the steps to take as told to me by Diane at shopbot.

Email a note to shopbot with the persons name and company name if he has one along with your name and information to shopbot. They keep a list and if a new customer shows up on the referal list then the person who listed the demo will get the $250.00 for the demo.

As for the comments about the service given by shopbot personel, I must say that I have always received quick and precise responces to every request that I have made of shopbot. Every email or question has been answered and the people at shopbot are very knowledgable about their products. Even Nancy has been more than helpful even when she is deleting my posts that I have made in the past. She has always been very polite and helpful when slapping my hands?


07-02-2008, 08:29 PM
Make sure your "friend" calls the other guy when he wants help...lol

07-03-2008, 12:52 AM
If I called shopbot every time someone asked me a question about my bot, The list of names I would have as referals would be really long. My friend did not tell them the other guy, the other guy reported the showing to shopbot to lock in the name I geuss?

I have no problem with helping others for free, just wanted to make sure that if there was some money going somewhere that I got my fair share.

Hell If I had to pay Brady $1 an hour for time spent on the phone or by email, He would be retired by now on some tropical island.
