View Full Version : Cabinet visions or cabinet pro? or?

09-14-2006, 11:16 PM
I am thinking about a cabinet design program and was checking out cabinet visions website. I am surprised by these big companies have such poorly desinged website. Trying to find product information is rediculous. Does anyone know if this program generates Gcode for the shopbot to read? What pgms do you guys use?

09-14-2006, 11:44 PM
I have Cabinet Vision and cannot recommend it. To make it generate GCode you need to buy some VERY expensive options. The base program is around $7,000 and the CNC options add an additional $10,000 I believe. The end result is really not that great. From what I've seen, if I had it to do over again I would buy KCDW ( http://www.kcdw.com ) for design with the ArcCam cabinet software ( http://www.artcam.com/artcam/insignia/Cabinetmaker/default.asp ) to do the part nesting and machine code generation. That way you get decent layout ability, good photorealistic rendering, good estimating and quotes and optimized nesting with native ShopBot code output. I ended up basically wasting my $7,000 and then had to write my own software to take my cabinet list out of Cabinet Vision, build the parts list, optimize and nest the parts and generate the ShopBot code. It took me quite awhile to get it right but I just couldn't spend the money on another solution at the time. Eventually I'll probably go the KCDW route.

On the other hand, if you want Cabinet Vision, I'll sell you my copy cheap ;-)

09-15-2006, 12:09 AM
only if you throw in that "bridge" you have for sale....Anyone have any experience with Cabinet pro?