View Full Version : Shopbot Plasma.

11-08-2008, 01:57 PM
I have an 8x4 PRS standard and I only use half of my table. I machine plastic with my bot and I buy the plastic in 48'x30" pieces, because of the high cost of material I don't buy full sheets plus I can't handle material that size by myself they are too heavy.

I bought the bigger table for re-sale value if I decided to sell it later but now that I have it I doubt I will ever part with it. I would love to have a plasma table but my shop is full and I don't have room for it. I was wondering if it would be possible to change the other half of the table to a plasma torch set-up. I could make a nice cover for the router table side to protect it from any sparks.

I have a nice plasma torch already. I was thinking of just making a holder for the torch on the Z axis that I could remove when not in use. I would need a solenoid of some type to turn on the torch. I am wondering if this would hurt anything on the bot. My plasma torch is an inverter type Hypo - Therm.

I guess I would need some different software that would turn the torch on and off at the right time.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Gary Campbell
11-08-2008, 02:24 PM
I dont have it installed anymore, as we use VCPro, but I remember seeing a plasma post processor on our version of Parts Wizard. I am not sure about mounting the torch, but I am sure others have done this. You may need a dual Z. this will reduce cutting area on your size table.

I think that SB used to sell a plasma version. I even think Brady Watson has, or had one. The switching whether it is for electric or gas, or both would be no problem. The plasma drop, ignite, and pause before motion should be farily easy to accomplish also.

If used for plasma cutting, you may mess up the table support structure and reduce your resale value. I mention this because you do in your post.

11-10-2008, 10:02 AM
Hello Michael: I suggest you contact Chris Burns at Shopbot before making further decisions on this...He is knowledgeable about this issue, and supports existing plasma bots. I do happen to know, (don't ask how) that shopbot had/has special electronics for touch off and automatic torch height functions that integrate with the HyperTherm unit.

Automatic torch height control, I think, is critical as metal will warp when heated, this keeps the electrodes a proper distance from the metal and greatly reduces wear on consumables.

As Gary mentions there is a Delcam compatible post for plasma that would work with ArtCam Insignia or Part Wizard. From what I know of PartWorks/VcarvePro, I believe one could write a post for these programs that would work, too.

I cannot over-emphasize, you NEED to talk to Chris Burns, if anyone can help you he can.

Gerald Martin

11-10-2008, 01:22 PM
Thanks for the info guys I will contact Chris Burns next week.

Brady Watson
11-10-2008, 08:45 PM
Gerald & Gary are correct. Track down Chris. I have a 5X16 with 2 Zs and the table broken into half for routing and half for plasma. Plasma 'ain't all it's cracked up to be' if you also do woodworking in the shop...if you do finishing - forget it! I have since sold my plasma setup to another Botter.

You will need a torch height control board (now discontinued), a special power supply for the THC board, a voltage divider for the HT and a bunch of other specialied and obsolete parts. It's a totally different ballgame than routing...
