View Full Version : Zeroing bits

tom marcelo
09-11-2003, 10:00 PM
the past few days i have had a probelm using the zero plate. for some reason certain bits are cutting too deep! very annoying and costly. i am using a reducing collet in my spindle by the way. i have never had this problem until recently and have chnaged nothing in my routine. the cuts are about 1/8 too deep. anyone else had this problem and possible solutions. thanks

09-12-2003, 09:07 AM
Here's a few suggestions that may be the culprit:

-Check & clean your collet. Make sure that adapter is really tight and that it is not too far in or out of the collet.

-Reduce your Z plunge speed as you may be losing steps

-Check your spoilboard for flatness by hovering a bit about 1/8" over the table at select locations along the X and Y.

-Check the Z-Zero plate thickness in the control software. I think that the one I have is .224" thick.

Hope that helps,