View Full Version : Best prices on router and fein vacumn?
08-17-2006, 02:50 AM
Looking for the best prices on the appropriate router Porter Cable 7518? And your best price on the Fein Vacumns? Also I wish they had a better description on the specific bits in the starter kit? I have some of them already, so i don't want to duplicate. What bits would be best to start out with? Want to do signs, columns (with indexer) picture carving. Any links, references or anything helpful by way of info would be appreciated. Thanks
08-17-2006, 10:58 AM
Earlier this year I purchased 2 Milwaukee 6016-6 routers from Amazon and put one on the Shopbot. I almost posted this yesterday after using the other router freehand. It is as a terrific router. I have and have used a lot of routers and the Milwuakee is by far the finest router I have ever used. It is quiet, smooth and well made. Check out the Milwaukee collet next to a PC. It is night and day. You didn't ask - but.
6016-6 refer to "1/4 Sheet Orbital Palm Sander" ( 7&Nty=1&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Ne=1&N=0&Ntk=all& Ntt=6016-6&D=6016-6).
Which one ( have you bought?
08-17-2006, 12:58 PM
I stand corrected. It is the 5625 router. The sander came with the router as a bundle for about $240.00.
08-17-2006, 02:57 PM
As Wayne mentioned, I believe Amazon is hard to beat when it comes to the router, whether you go PC or Milwaukee. About once a year, Woodcraft will put the PC router on sale for a pretty good price, so you might check there too.
As far as bits go, is a good place to start. He carries a lot of Onsrud and Bosch, etc, and he lists them by material to be cut. But hey, if you're just getting started, a v bit and a spiral cutter from Home Depot will get you going. Home Depot carries Porter Cable bits now, and I've had pretty good luck with the PC 1/4" upcut spiral. Another place, if you want to go cheap, is They sell some cheap chinese bits, and I like their 1/4" spiral down cutter($12). BUT, I bought some v-bits from them and they we're awful - v-carved letters looked terrible. So, you get what you pay for.
As for me, yeah, I'm looking for a deal on a Fein too. The pricing on those seems pretty consistent wherever you go, but I keep hoping that Amazon will have some sort of 20% off deal or something.
Good Luck
Amazon won't ship to Canada... $240.00 usd is about half of what I paid here!
08-17-2006, 06:48 PM
Hi Paco
Check out Ebay .I have seen them on there for about that same price new and with the base .
08-17-2006, 07:51 PM
which is best to get the fein II or III If I had 2 of them hooked to a 4 zone system? Could i use one only? Also is the PC 7518 the best router to buy? I have never had a milwaukee. By the way amazon is having a 10% off sale +25.00 off. Shipping looks like its $5.49. Looking at the reviews for the fein most of them posted were pretty negative. Sounds like they were using it for a shopvac instead of for suction holddown (imagine that, using a shopvac as a shopvac!) Any Fein users out there can give some detailed info on their experiences?
08-17-2006, 08:00 PM
I started with a couple of Fein I's, and upgraded to Fein III's when I completed my new table. The Fein I's worked well enough, but the III's have about 10% more CFM and total vacuum - a little more forgiving of a little air leakage.
Since it's a long-term investment I would go ahead and get the larger units (the Fein III's).
You can use just one if you can isolate the seond one from the system - depending on what you are cutting one may be plenty for some things.
08-17-2006, 10:26 PM
If anyone else is in Canada, I am sure that some of us U.S. members (myself included) would be more than willing to accept delivery and reship to our northern neighbors. It might take a bit longer that way but 200 bucks is $200.
08-17-2006, 10:54 PM
No, $200.00 is like $250.00 Canadian!
Actually 224.71910112359550561797752808989$ as I type this... plus shipping.
Thanks for the offer!
08-18-2006, 01:22 PM
Jack, The PC is a fine machine. However posts here for the last two years have favored the Milwaukee for two reasons, reliability and quietness. If Bill Palumbo and Wayne Locke prefer the Milwaukee, I know what my next router will be! It will be awhile before my PC goes dead I hope though.
The Fein Vac is heads above a ShopVac. You can carry on a conversation near it.
08-19-2006, 01:01 AM
I bought 2 fein III 9-77-25 vacs last nite on amazon. I used a $25.00 off redemption code and the site also said take 10% off. When i couldn't get it to do that on the site I called them and this operator in india was so confused and couldn't figure out how to apply the 2 discounts she went in manually and changed prices. I got 2 vacs for $612.00 plus free shipping! Also the best price on a PC 7519 I found is $249.00 on ebay. Shopbot wanted $365.00. Should i look at the Milwaukee? What model number? thanks...
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