View Full Version : Adding a PVC file to a dxf in Vcarve pro

12-20-2006, 08:25 PM
we're trying to create a door plaque and am having some problems. According to the directions we took a picture, that i painted the background white, into Photovcarve.
1)I ticked "make color transparent" picked the white color.
2) saved it as a pvc file.
3)open vcarve pro. Load the dxf of the "tonys room plaque.
4)import the pvc file
5)select the pvc file to run a toolpath on it using a 60 degree vbit with a .08 cut depth and i get error message saying it will cut thru material (material size is 11"x11"x.50" thick) and it cuts it as a square.
What am i doing wrong?




12-21-2006, 03:20 PM
Hi Jack
Did you generate your toolpath in PVC ? It sounds to me like you are trying to do it in VCP.
That won’t work Do your toolpath in PVC and save, then import into VCP. You will find the PVC toolpath in the VCP toolpath list.
Hope this helps