View Full Version : New to 2nd z

09-28-2008, 09:56 PM
I am attempting to get started using my second z.
If I save the toolpath as “shopbot head 2” does my machine use the &my_XinHead2offset=6' from the MyVariables file? I bought the machine used so I am not sure if the default is correct. If this was a factory setup is that the norm? Any other 2nd z advice is welcome.


Prt Alpha Partwizard3.0

Gary Campbell
09-28-2008, 10:28 PM
You need to run the "S_Set2SpindleOffsets.sbp" file to get the correct and accurate offsets. It is located in the C:\SbParts folder. Double click on the file to open it in editor and read instructions.

09-28-2008, 11:03 PM
You are right.
Gary's post assumes you have your prox switches working right. Do you?
I did not when I set mine up. So I plunged Z and A and measured then manually inserted the numbers.
Your number will not be a perfect 6".
You will have a Y number also.

Gary Campbell
09-28-2008, 11:13 PM
The offset file doesnt use the prox, it uses the zzero input (1). I did assume that Todd had one working.

If you read the directions in the file, you will need a working zzero plate with a hole in it. The file then centers in the hole, records the location, moves the other bit into the hole and repeats.

09-29-2008, 06:50 PM
Thanks Gary and Rodger,
My plate currently has no hole in it. What size hole do I need to drill? Does the edge quality matter. If I drill it on a press is this fine? What did you use to secure the z plate to the table?



Gary Campbell
09-29-2008, 07:00 PM
Try about 3/4", on the drillpress should be fine. slightly chamfer or clean up the edges so that there is no burrs to the inside that will affect accuracy, or to the top or bottom that affect thickness.

Hold it down with a small clamp, if you have good contact, there will be little or no force on the plate when running this routine.

09-29-2008, 08:40 PM
Thanks Gary. I will try this tomorrow.