View Full Version : Pocket Question

08-21-2008, 10:08 PM
When I pocket an area out, It routes the depth fine. But when it final cuts around the edge and the Letters it seems to cut slightly deeper. The final results showes the slightly deeper bit cut around everything, yet the file says it is cutting to the same depth.
Do you guys experience this same thing?

08-21-2008, 11:55 PM
Your material may be lifting. When the pocket is cut it can relieve internal stresses in the material and cause movement. What is the material and hold-down method?

Gary Campbell
08-22-2008, 12:35 AM
I experienced a similar problem when my Z extrusion guide rollers were not adjusted properly. This allowed the Z to move laterally a small amount which caused the bit to dig in a few thousanths.

Hold down, as David says above, Z roller guides, or a Z pinion that is not tight to the rack or the shaft, are the most likely places to look.