01-16-2007, 12:56 PM
Well...I've had the thing for about 5 months. I put it together as soon as I got it and did some air cuts and then never touched it again. I've just been to busy to take the time to transition from conventional methods to CNC. And to tell you the truth, I was a little intimidated by the shopbot. I wasn't sure how well I put it together and I wasn't exactly sure how to get from the .art file to the .sbp file to the machine (IMO the partwizard video could cover that a little better). To be honest, I was beginning to think that I had just invested about $16K very poorly. So I took some time off and went down to the shopbot factory to take the training class. Everyone there was very very cool and I felt very confident about using the machine when I left.
After 2 days of experimenting and tweeking the X and Z axis (the Y is assembled at the factory so I was good there)and ruining a few bits I finally feel like my shopbot will start earning its keep around here. I'm just waiting on some new aluminum cutting bits to come in before it officially goes to work.
After 2 days of experimenting and tweeking the X and Z axis (the Y is assembled at the factory so I was good there)and ruining a few bits I finally feel like my shopbot will start earning its keep around here. I'm just waiting on some new aluminum cutting bits to come in before it officially goes to work.