View Full Version : Router bits

05-16-2008, 11:23 AM
Hi all
I am having a hard time finding roundover (without bearings) bits for my machine. I came across Magnate bits that Legacy milling machines use.


Has anyone tried these bits and is there a better source for roundovers (without the bearing)?
I have tried Onsrud and Centurion and I can't seem to find what I am looking for. Onsrud offers a big selection of bits, but it's a chore hunting through all their products, they are not listed in any logical order that I can see, they seem to list in part number order. The Centurion website is easier to use, but doen't offer much more that straignt, fluted or sprial bits.

05-16-2008, 11:38 AM
James, there is nothing wrong with removing the bearing and grinding the post off of any router bit. You may have to do a little measuring and trial and error cuts to establish the parameters for your tool path, but it will work just fine.


05-16-2008, 12:14 PM
James, I had a legacy before my bot and a fairly comprhensive bit collection from them. They are carbide and used whenever I need or find a design that fits with the profiles I have. no complaints and they are farily reasonable for their unique profiles. The sharp tipped roundovers tend to burn the tips off so i would not recommend high speed cutting RPMs with those. the flat tipped roundovers work nice to area clear and round the edges rather than a sharp straight end mill cut edge.
I dont think you'll be disappointed.

05-16-2008, 12:39 PM

One of our fellows is a Onsrud dealer who has special bits just for 3D and regular routing.
www.beckwithdecore.com/ (http://www.beckwithdecore.com/)