View Full Version : Lithophane

04-20-2007, 10:02 PM
I do not yet have a shopbot, but boy let me tell you I am seriously considering it. I currently have a (I am not sure if this is considered cursing on this site or not, maybe someone can let me know) compucarve by carvewright and sears.

Now while someone is decideing if that is a curse word or not I have had about enough of it already and it has only been three months.

I am on my second machine and it is down more often than it is up, I have yet to decide if it is a good thing or not, but all the issues that are causing the down time are different from the others.

anyway I have been reading up here for a couple of days and thought I would post something to get some feedback (good or bad no worries). I have already been referred to as a skunk because of the line. it is due to a plastic bur that was on the bit and I did not watch it closely enough I guess. atleast it is on me and not my wife.

this is a pic of something I di last night, and I think it is the direction I am going to go with the new venture if I do decide to get one.

It is carved into 1/4 clear plexi, and while I like the frosted look I will try it in white next to see the difference.

my intention is to either have it in a shadow box or to have it in a wooden stand and leaning back slightly.

With regard to the shadow box idea I am having trouble finding a plugged in light that is shallow enough to fit in the box without sticking out like a sore thumb and that wont get hot like the halogen lights considering the box is enclosed and heat cant escape.

anyway if anyone has any ideas or suggestions about this aside from throwing the compucarve out the window, I would welcome them.

and if thay are curse words I am sorry and will try not to let it happen again.

BTW if any of you have had the curse word in the past and upgraded to the shopbot I would like to hear from you, please email me.




04-21-2007, 08:42 AM
For lighting you can check into cold cathode lights

04-21-2007, 10:24 AM
Interesting about the Carvewright. I recently bought a used ShopBot from a fellow who bought a Carvewright because of its small foot print. From speaking with him recently he had nothing good to say about the machine and wishes he had his old ShopBot back. Can you return it and get your money back?

Bill Thorpe

04-21-2007, 12:07 PM
We had a CarveWright machine as well (part of the beta tester group). Have a ShopBot now and there is no comparison. It's like comparing a bicycle to a truck. We do large 3D carvings all day long on the bot and it does a beautiful job. Comes out fantastic. I understand SB has a jpg file converter but have never used it since we have ArtCam Pro. You will love a Bot. No more having to have nice smooth and square wood. Stick it to the table, set the z height and start carving. And it's waaaaaay quieter even with the router and dust collector. The SB is made to work all day long and that's what it does. No more irratic error codes on the display and wondering what "you" did to make the machine act wacky. We understand your frustration. I know I sound like a commercial, but we do like our Bot.
Good luck,

04-21-2007, 04:11 PM

Nice joke about the recycleing actually my wife would love to hear that one I think I will share it with her. I will check out cold cathode lights in just a min.

I have had it more than the 90 days that sears allows for refunds, but even if we had not passed it the machine owes us much more than we paid for it because of shipping, duty (cause I live in Canada), taxes, ETC.... so I think the plan is to get it running and see where that takes us and once it hads paid for itself (you know about ten years from now) we will sell it on ebay LOL.

Shari you have mail. BTW did I read it right it is quieter than the curse word?

Thanks to all I will take any advice given.
I also will try to take a boo at one in the next while to see what it is like in person.

04-21-2007, 04:42 PM

Here are a couple lithos i did using the cold cathode lighting and i think it is the best thing to use for lighting because it generates almost no heat





You'll notice the light when using the 1/4" thick white corian seems to disburse the light more evenly than clear plastic. What is that streak running thru the mans head? If nothing else i wouls suggest you try the corian.

04-21-2007, 06:36 PM
it is my head

I believe that it was the result of a plastic burr that stayed on the bit and it scratched the surface.

those are nice btw.

did you carve on the front or rear?
I am having a hard time finding white corian up here for some reason, how much is a piece of it if I might ask?

04-21-2007, 08:17 PM
Hi Tim
You will find some good deals for corian on ebay

04-21-2007, 08:23 PM
I bought 3 boxes of it off ebay they are avg 12"x12" and I paid about $1.00/ea. Not sure if the guy still has some but i can try to find his contact info if you would like some. It might be more expensive by now.

It is cut on the front. Normally corian is more expensive than that. so its a good deal.

04-21-2007, 09:03 PM
I went to a local Corian fabricator and he let me pick thru is cut off box. I got all I could carry for free.

04-21-2007, 10:19 PM
well all godd info for sure.

I will have a look on ebay as well but if you have the info for the guy please pass it on.

thanks again

04-21-2007, 10:47 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/8-Pcs-1-4-x11-75-x-13-5-Cameo-White-Corian-Sheets_W0QQitemZ300102112543QQihZ020QQcategoryZ712 34QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Sanjac1620 is the seller name. Just do a search for corian on ebay if this doesn't work.