View Full Version : "My New Years"

12-25-2008, 02:32 PM
It is a sad day for me and my sister, we came to our fathers house and the door was wide open and no one home , his computer was on and looked like he was answering emails, he was logged onto the forum and was posting an answer to a question, this is our opportunity to say were sorry.
If it was not for the emails me and our husbands seen about our father apologizing on our behalf and the sight of over a thousand emails we had no clue of his passion and his love
To all the people who own a shopbot!!! I Gene Marcella and Nichole Belodinia who are the N and G in RNG Engravers wish to apologies for our poor behavior, our father who is a great man and spends his days helping others will someday forgive us. It was not until today Christmas morning at 11:38Am that our father was not here, we found him at our mothers grave weeping, this is the seconded time we seen our father shed a tear. My father is a retired Marine and me and my sister have 7 uncles who me and my sister have never meet, our mother would never talk about them and would always say someday you will meet them and be proud. Well today we meet them and now we feel like poop. Brady Watson it was me that sent you the hate mail and Nichole who was answering the emails, Mr. Booth my attitude is unforgiving and I should have in no way responded to my father’s emails, I deleted all bad responses so he would not see it.
Me and my sister assumed that we were helping our father while he was taking care of our mother in her last days only to find out we did more harm than good, when me and my sister showed up with our husbands for Christmas our father was no home.
My father lives with 3 codes “Corp” “God” “Country” and by his words we meet our uncles his brothers with the honors of having our mother resting next to our fathers brothers. Our mother is not a marine but she is indeed a mother to all marines, it kills me and my sister to know that a man who loved his wife more the god and country is a man I am proud to call me father.
There is no way in gods eyes or my father’s eyes for the harm we have caused you, ,our mother was ill and my father who has loved her for the last 35 years is a love I wish I pray I will have some day and hope to share with my kids.
Me and my sister have always blamed our father for spending too much time on the phone and the computer, and with my mother dying words was believe in your father as I have, my time with your father was like water and rain, he was there to cover me when it rained and made sure the water would never overflow, love is not how you show it but how who show the person you mean it.
My father has shown me and my sister in the last two days that we hold the crown of our mother, we have always been the glitter in both our parent’s eyes and now our mother’s grandkids are living proof our mother still lives.
Me and my sister will be putting up $5,000.00 as a gift for shopbotters, just send an email and your name will be put in a hat and my children will pick the lucky winner on the first of Jan and you will be emailed your prize


12-26-2008, 12:58 AM
When someone is traveling on such an hard and seemingly impossible road , a phone or computer can be a link to sanity. It does not mean that they care any less or have neglected the one they love its just a way to step back and take a breath before going back to the hardest fight you will ever fight again. I lost my mom a few years ago and when the priest gave her her last rites it was as if he wasnt concerned in the least , in which i was so mad at him for a long time until i realized that he knew where she was going , a much better place , and that one day we will all be reunited . Even though you discribe your father as a hard core marine he still has a heart, just without the love of your mother to fill it. You said you and your sister cary the crown of your mother, this is more true than you realize, Now you have to fill his heart as your mother did and help him continue I couldnt immagine loving someone 35 + years and one day them being gone......
As far as the money why dont you set up a donation to St Jude or some other foundation hi your moms name in care of your dad. In life everyone makes mistakes and all you have to do is ask forgiveness and it shall be granted. With all the nice people on this forum i feel certain you have already been forgiven..

12-26-2008, 09:39 AM
I agree with Gene, donate the monies to a charity that is near and dear to your Dad and Mom. I have corresponded with your Dad on several occassions and he has helped me immensly as I am sure many others have. God has a way of straighting everything out.


Forum Admin
12-26-2008, 10:01 AM
Take this private please.