View Full Version : Solid Works / Solid Cam ?'s

10-31-2007, 03:27 AM
Hi all !

Well I did a search and could not find an answer to my question... Hopefully someone can help.

I work mostly in solid works and I am thinking of buying solid cam... My question is can Solid CAM work with the ShopBot? I have a PRS 48x96 4h. spindle. Mill Wizard doesn't allow me to set up the router bits I use. Maybe I'm just a newbie and haven't figured it out yet.

Does anyone know the answer to this question?


Brady Watson
10-31-2007, 03:59 AM
You can output standard G-code from SolidCAM & then use the FC command to convert the G-code to SBP format. If you are spending that much loot for SolidCAM, then either have them make you a post processor or export your SW file as an STL & buy ArtCAM for your CAM software.

Without clarifying "Mill Wizard doesn't allow me to set up the router bits I use." - I am not sure how to help you. What do you mean?


10-31-2007, 04:30 AM
Brady thanks for the reply...

Yeah, maybe Solid CAM is just too much for my needs and my pocket book. If i bought Art Cam Pro can i get a high resolution cutting path and and be able to add custom Bit information. Mill Wizard only asks for ball Nose and End Mills... I'm using a "bowl and tray" bit (flat base with a radius edge)(D= 1-1/4" R= 1/4" L= 5/8") In Mill Wizard there is no way to enter this information.

Thanks Again

10-31-2007, 05:16 AM

This Shopbot has a Columbo 3HP spindle and has had very little use. They picked it up from a leasing company.