03-19-2007, 06:53 PM
Hello, i was wondering if any of you can solve my question about the vaccum system that they use.
Currently i am looking to buy the product with the universal vacuum system, but my question is this. What i believe is, that the machine itself has to have a lot of suction to hold down the material in place while the cut is being done. In which case, i do not see any of the dust from cutting getting sucked in. Also, the dust kit with the skirt, from the video doesn't work very well in my opinion. So, I was wondering if the universal Vaccum system would have enuff suction to get the dust out when the material is being cut. Maybe im dumb and don't understand how this works but if you can make me understand how this works i would appreciated it.
Currently i am looking to buy the product with the universal vacuum system, but my question is this. What i believe is, that the machine itself has to have a lot of suction to hold down the material in place while the cut is being done. In which case, i do not see any of the dust from cutting getting sucked in. Also, the dust kit with the skirt, from the video doesn't work very well in my opinion. So, I was wondering if the universal Vaccum system would have enuff suction to get the dust out when the material is being cut. Maybe im dumb and don't understand how this works but if you can make me understand how this works i would appreciated it.