View Full Version : Lookin for rngengravers

Andrew Suggs (Unregistered Guest)
11-18-2004, 06:14 PM
anyone know how to contact Ron??

11-18-2004, 06:53 PM
I looked on his website WWW.rngengravers.com (http://WWW.rngengravers.com), and couldnt find his phone # (it used to be there Im sure). But there is an e-mail and postal address still listed there.

Kevin Reid

Ron (Unregistered Guest)
11-23-2004, 01:09 PM
Hi Andrew
I am still alive and kicking, just been away for awhile due to surgery.
I removed my number from the site because I was not here to answer questions and my employees spent more time telling them I was in the hospital then they were working.
All is well now and I have the server back up and running and sent out email to everyone that was on it, if you did not receive an email? Go to http://www.rngengravers.com
And click on Register and fill in the form.
Our database will find your past info and return you a email letting you no your info was found and passwords were set and you can login.
I just added 30 gigs of information to the server and hope this will keep everyone making dust on there shopbot.

11-29-2004, 03:05 PM
I can go to your website but everything in the left frames is blank at my end. My new email is andrew@cabinetsolutionsinc.us (mailto:andrew@cabinetsolutionsinc.us). I hope you can help as I,m lookin foward to catchin up!

thanks Andrew