View Full Version : 5 x 8 TruePan?

04-27-2007, 04:17 PM
I can get 5x8 MDF Premier Plus for my plenum (correct me if thats a bad idea to use) but I can only get 4x8 true pan. I have a 5x8 table coming and would like the vaccum table to be 5x8 as well. I am open to ideas seeing that I still have a few days befor I have the machine in.


Brady Watson
04-27-2007, 05:05 PM
Get the Trupan. Just rip another piece 1' X 8', biscuit and join it. There's no telling how much resin content is in the MDF. If you want to find out the hard way, get the MDF 1st. It may or may not work.

04-27-2007, 05:21 PM
Well I was thinking of using the 5x8 as the grid and the truepan as the bleeder and having the joint come up between on of the zones


04-27-2007, 08:26 PM

My table is 5 X 144 and I also could only find 4X8 material for the bleader board. But the way I zoned my table there was a seperation between zones on the 4' point of the Y axis and an 8' one on the X axis so I used a full 4X8 over that area plus a 1'X 8' taking care of that 5'X8' area and at the end a 4'X5' piece. I ran a bead of caulk around all zones then dropped the bleader board into place and put a full sheet of mdf to seal everything. Next I turned on the vacuum and left it run over night to let the caulk dry.