View Full Version : Inlay without VCarvePro

10-03-2008, 08:04 PM
Is there a way to inlay using Partwizard 3.0? My concern is the radius of the bit left in the corners.Any tips are welcome.



10-03-2008, 08:13 PM

If you go to the following link you can see the technique I used. The secret was the 1/32" bit which I used to profile the pocket after cleaning out the bulk of the material with a 1/16" end mill. I found the process very time consuming and decided not to offer it again.

I did use VCarve Pro, but you should be able to use the same technique with Partwizard.

Here is the link:



10-04-2008, 01:45 AM
there is a straight bit inlay and you can do it with vcarving. with carving you get nice crisp corners and very sharp detail but your limited to size because of the clamping involved.


here is how to get round corners on the regular inlay method.
To allow a male insert to fit into a female pocket the vector geometry needs to be modified to remove all external and internal corners from the shape. This requires the cutter radius to be applied to the corner regions on a design.

The manual offsetting process is,

For a cutter radius R

Offset out by R

Offset in by 2 R

Offset out by R

The new vector needs to be selected after each offset operation

The new offset vector is then used to calculate 2D Machining toolpaths,

The Pocket / recessed cavity toolpath
The Profile Outside toolpath for the male / insert

Important - both toolpaths need to be created using the same diameter cutter.

The attached picture shows the original vector geometry in black with the new result from the offseting in dotted blue line.

10-04-2008, 04:17 AM
oops mis read you did not have vcarve sorry about that. but I think you can do the trick to get the corners still if I remember right. been a long time since I used partswizard.