View Full Version : Router adapter specs?

04-13-2008, 09:34 PM
Waht are the most common Shopbot z-axis router mounts?

I need to make an adapter for a caulk gun (prior thread) and don't know what kind of adapter I need to create.

The Port cable 7518 appears to be round when stripped of its base.

Drawings or specs anyone??

Gary Campbell
04-13-2008, 09:44 PM
The routers and spindles all fasten to the Z extrusion with socket head cap screws from the rear (+X) side of the extrusion. All you will need is a flat plate that is drilled and tapped to accept those cap screws. Virtually any mount for your caulking gun can be fastened to that plate. Sorry, but I dont have any CAD on it for you. I am sure that if you purchse a machine, SB can provide that.