View Full Version : Thinking of a BT48

04-09-2008, 12:25 AM
I'm thinking of replacing my existing CNC router with a Buddy 48 and wouldn't mind some thoughts on this unit. My existing unit has a working area of 22"x32", I use VcarvePro and Mach2 with it and have found it adequate as learning tool but now realize it has definite shortcomings as far as accuracy. So I'm thinking of the BT48 as a replacement, as most things I would make would fit on it's working area and with the option of the PowerStick in the future I could deal with the few larger items that might come along. I can not scarifice the shop area for a 48"x96" ShopBot as much as I would like to.
I have e-mailed a few people on the forum about their BT48 and it sounds like it would meet my needs. But if anyone else out there wants to give me some incite into this unit as well as the PowerStick I would appreciate it.
1. I have seen the PowerStick video but has anyone actually used one or seen the final specifictions.
2. Would you consider the shipping crate adequate enough to get the unit to the Yukon undamaged, especially if it was not shipped in a container.
3. The e-chain does come with the BT48 right (Buddy page shows it with a golden Arch).

Thanks in advance for your help

04-09-2008, 09:27 AM
Hi Al,

I'll let Buddy owners answer your other questions, but all the BT models now come with e-chain...we just haven't caught up with updating the photos. You can see a 3d model of the current BT32 and BT48 (along with a lot of other ShopBot goodies) in the Sketchup 3d Warehouse (http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=6ca9b6a6a87bee9952128d8d4dce0dfb)


04-09-2008, 10:30 AM
I have been using these pictures to help me get to sleep while waiting for my buddy
. I also went with a bt48 over the bt32...even though the 32 is a much better deal right now, I think the bt48 will be much more usable in the long run (especially with the power stick if need be). When you do the math the bt48 has almost 3 square feet more workable area than the bt32. Sorry can't offer any help on what its like to actually have one yet. I did have a PRT96 until about 2 years ago and then sold it. I decided the bt48 was the best size for most of the things I will want to do and for the amount of shop space I have. The PRT96 took up my whole shop area for the most part. Judging from the pictures the PRS is a much better design and should hold tolerance better than the old prt that I had. I wish you good luck.

05-13-2008, 01:32 PM
I posted the original message a while back but didn't get many responses. I was wondering if anyone has any new thoughts they would like to post on the Buddy 48 and the powerstick. I did see some information on the website about the powerstick, but it's still very minimal. I'm still holding off purchaseing one of these units till I get a better feel from people who have used one of the Buddy 48's and a powerstick.


05-13-2008, 03:49 PM
The Powerstick isn't out yet as far as I know. I just got my BT48 and there were a few problems...nothing that a little bit of work on my part and help from SB couldn't fix. So far I've only been able to run one file. Everything came out damn near dead nutts. There was one piece out of about 20 that was a little oversized but I would say not more than .015". I expected my BT to come ready to rock and roll...but I did have to put some time into adjusting some things...and I still will prob get back into it and tweak a little more. Overall it is a much better machine than my old PRT96. I bought the Standard which is so much faster and smoother than my old PRT it makes me feel like I have an Alpha in comparison(I know an alpha is much faster). I know there prob isn't a better machine even close to this price range (talking about the standard)...but I'm still a little pissed that I had to do as much adjusting as I've had to do. So as long as you don't go into it thinking like I did you should be pretty happy. I was really looking forward to a factory set up machine that was set up better than I could set it up myself...but I ended up doing it anyway. I would say overall I'm happy with it now I'm passed most of the frustrating parts.