View Full Version : ShopBot Training (The Wife)

12-19-2008, 07:09 PM
Her Story with SHopBot training ? if you would like to read more of our adventure's you can read them here www.darwindiaries.com (http://www.darwindiaries.com)


A few weeks ago, Angus insisted I accompany him to Durham, North Carolina and attend a two day training seminar for a newly purchased piece of equipment for his company. The piece of equipment in question is something called a Shop-Bot, which is some sort of enormous CNC tool. Eager to learn something new and useful, I excitedly made the trip.

The training seminar was held in the shipping department and what appeared to be the employee break area. Being that we were fashionably late the first morning, we took our seats in the back of the class. Now, by nature, I fidget… a lot. I get bored easily and my eyes and brain have a tendency to wander. The one thing my eyes and brain kept wandering to was this strange contraption hanging from the ceiling behind me. It was a massive, cone shaped canvas bag that funneled down to a narrow metal opening with a lever attached to it. Halfway down the bag was a line in black sharpie that wrote out the word ‘Reorder’. After catching me staring at it for the hundredth time, Angus leaned over and whispered in my ear that it held peanuts.

“How COOL is that!” I thought to myself. A huge bag of peanuts hung from the ceiling that the employees could munch on! Talk about a new way to improve company morale! It even had something to tell them when they ate too many and needed to reorder them!! Of course, the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to reach behind me and squeeze that lever so I could enjoy the peanuts too. Unfortunately, they were not MY peanuts to take and by the time lunch had rolled around, the craving for them was almost unbearable. It was ALL I could think about. I kept hoping I could get a chance to pull that lever without anyone noticing.

When class ended for the day (at dinnertime no less!) my stomach was growling and the craving for the peanuts that had been hanging behind me had reached maddening proportions. Luckily, I saw my chance had finally arrived to sneak a handful. While the men in the class were all huddled around the instructor, I slyly made my way over to the bag. Angus must have caught me out of the corner of his eye and quickly came up behind me to ask what I was up to. Of course I told him that I was hungry and wanted to sneak a handful of peanuts. Unfortunately, it was during this critical point that everyone in the room seemed to stop talking at once and my answer rang out loud and clear.

In between bouts of hysterical laughter from Angus, he managed to blurt out that the bag contained PACKING peanuts and that they were, in fact, NOT edible.

12-19-2008, 07:38 PM
Incredible writing!

Can you come to Southern Ca and hang out in my office to amuse me?

I hate reading, but your writing has the tones of Burroughs or Chanaski..

I am now excitedly on my way to darwindiaraies.com

12-19-2008, 07:49 PM
More please

lol.. My wife just came into my office, sat down and as usual started snooping at my computer about what I was reading. So I read it to her and she began laughing hysterically saying "OMG thats ME" then Allyson came in and also read "FAS" and started laughing as well.

12-19-2008, 08:51 PM
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it!

Where in Southern Cali are y'all from? I was born in San Diego, but I haven't been back since I was ten days old and have been dying for years to go!

12-19-2008, 10:10 PM
Danny, you are pretty close to me. Look for my card at Austin Hardwoods. They are in the plaques I made for the store.

12-20-2008, 02:45 PM
Miss Jacqueline...

Now let me understand this... Angus got to buy this really cool new toy... yea he said it was "for the business" and there is this problem with getting a new washing machine....

I bet if you hide this little things call "bits" for randsom, I bet a new machine may appear even without the help of that clown in the red suit.

oh yea... washing machines are not Christmas presents either!

The funniest part of the Peanuts story is that all of us that have been to class, looked over that container!

Thanks for the laughs

12-20-2008, 03:54 PM
Angus.. u are a great writer.... if u publish a book, u will soon become a millionaire i bit....

12-20-2008, 04:11 PM
Kernel Angus did not write it Jacky did.

Sorry when ever I see Angus I feel a deep "need" to put Kernel in front of it, my wife says its my 8th grade humor.

12-20-2008, 04:55 PM
That's funny Danny, because I call him 'Capn' Ahab'!!!