View Full Version : Need some ARtcam help on an art file!

08-11-2007, 07:52 PM
Hi there.. i've never done this one before so i'd love to get some help from someone that has artcam. I need to do an extruded relief of a fencepost onto a new post.. this is essentially to recreate a customer's brought in original.

I've never done this with any success so i'm hoping someone could take this and show me how to do it right? Basically it's a 5.5 x 60 square post. The file attached has the profile of the post I need carved into all 4 sides, but the trouble I have is getting a file where the shopbot would be zeroed to the top of the post when it's on the shopbot table and then carve the relief into the post. everything I try puts the relief on top of the material so more of an add on than a take away if that makes sense??

Can anyone help?


08-11-2007, 09:58 PM

When calculating your toolpath you setup your material. You select the material depth, the zero position either at the top of the material or the bottom and then you set your top or bottom offset. This will show as a dark grey, This is the area that will be machined to produce your relief. If you unselect your tool paths and then goto the 3d preview you will see a line representing your material and if you have selected everything correctly your relief should be contained within the bounds of the material.

Email me if you need further help.

