View Full Version : Z access...

Kam Bansal (Unregistered Guest)
06-02-2004, 05:35 PM
Hi all,

I've got a few questions about the SB (I'm in the market to purchase one). I understand the Z axis but what is the double Z axis? does it allow for 2 routers? If so, does the CAM software allow for router assignment?

Also, does anyone in the Santa Cruz area have a SB I can look at and ask questions (you know, kick the tires!)


~Kam (^8*

06-02-2004, 08:18 PM
I'm up in Marin County (Novato), if you want to come take a look at a PRT120. Don't know the answer to your question but I'm sure someone here does. What are you planning on doing with the ShopBot? You can e-mail me if you want to come up.

ron brown
06-03-2004, 05:32 AM

The second "Z" is controlled by the "A" axis. It will have a different "X" and/or "Y" than the primary "Z". There would be several ways to handle the second "Z" or "A" axis. I would think a second "Post Processor" could be written for the CAM software. The most simple way is just to figure the offest then "move the drawing" to the new location.

I would think one could also write a program in "ShopBot" to do this automatically but have not needed to do a procedure like that so am ignorant of what assigning a second axis through the control box would entail.


Brady Watson
06-03-2004, 12:00 PM
Yes, the double Z axis will allow you to run 2 routers. You can run them individually or in tandem.

With this setup you could run a router with one bit, and the other with another bit to simulate a tool changer. You could also mount a router on one and a drill on the other or any other tool you think you might need.

As Ron pointed out, there are some programming considerations when you create a cutting file. The 2nd tool will be a certain distance away from the 1st tool, and therefore a 0,0 location for the 1st tool might be a 9,0 on the 2nd tool.

I have 2 Z axes on my machine but never use them at the same time.

