View Full Version : Question on tool path in Aspire

03-24-2009, 09:44 PM
Ok, I hope I can ask this in the right terms since I as still new at this. I have a closed vector I as trying to assign a toolpath too. Like a square. I want to profile the outside edge, so I would select the outside edge and assign the path, now heres the question. I only want to profile 3 sides leaving one side square. How do I unselect part of a selected line? My actual project is not just a square but a triangle with more curves than straight lines. Just trying to give a simple example.

03-24-2009, 10:25 PM
ken take the node edit curser and hover over the first node where you want the path to stop/start and press C on the keyboard this cuts the closed vector now do the same to the other side. switch to the select curser and go into tool path section and select the path that you want a profile on.

03-24-2009, 11:05 PM
I believe you will have to node edit out the line you do not want cut. The trouble is you will not be able to profile the part if it is not a closed box. It won't know what inside and outside are if it is not a complete box. You can have the tool follow the center of the line you have, (on the vector) but you will need to adjust the size of the box by half the width of the bit you are using.

Hope that makes sense.


03-24-2009, 11:08 PM
opps, I'm not in aspire, so Bernie may have a better answer.


03-25-2009, 01:20 AM
Aspire will let you set up a Profile with an open vector.

03-25-2009, 11:09 AM
Ken, I had to do this once. I went into the toolpath file and deleted that portion of the cutting file I did not need. You will just have to pay attention to the location of your bit as it moves and/or changes direction to find the portion that needs to be deleted.

03-25-2009, 12:11 PM
Bernie, will it let you decide which side of the vector to machine with it open?


03-25-2009, 01:21 PM
If I cut tool path apart do I put it back together the same way. I use the closed tool path to cut the part out at the end.

03-25-2009, 03:38 PM
yes, it sort of works the same as a two rail sweep.. meaning a start node and a stop node.
I went back and double checked to be sure and it allows you to pick inside/outside/on for only the line(segment) you want to profile.


03-25-2009, 03:42 PM
Here is a better pic with one profile turned off

03-25-2009, 03:52 PM
Ken, all you have to do in Aspire is select all vectors and run a cut. No other lines to draw.

03-26-2009, 10:00 PM
Thanks Bernie

It worked just fine. Now I've come to another issue. Do you know where I can find more on adding tools to the library. I've done the drawing as the vectric site describes but when I actually make a cut I have to adjust my depths a lot. I am talking about profiling the outside edge of the vectors you have helped me with. I have been using the offset allowance to correct it but he numbers are not making sense mathematically, its all been trial and error. They look good in the preview mode but not when I cut them. I think it is the way I draw the profile of the tool bit. It seems like there should be more input into the tool parameters. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks for your help.

03-26-2009, 10:42 PM
PM me the file you are cutting and the profile or tool part number and let me try.

03-27-2009, 04:43 PM
I've redrawn the bit. The depth comes out pretty good. The offset allowance I still don't get. If I leave it at zero it cuts in too far in and leaves a lip at the edge. The only way to adjust it is to move the offset a little and try in again on a scrap. There should be a way to set this up right the first time. I think the bit is still not drawn right, or am I just missing something.

03-27-2009, 05:19 PM
Unless I've missed something in prior posts, all you should have to do is select the right bit, unless you are using something with a wacky profile. It is easy to change the size of standard shaped bits. For example, I needed to use a 1/2" round over and the library only has 1/8" and 1/4". So I went into the tools menu selected a ball nose and then changed the diameter to suit my needs and then saved as a 1/2" ball nose. If your rendering on Aspire or PW is right then either something is wrong with your machine or you are doing something wrong during set up. Does this happen with other files you are trying to run...or just this one?

03-27-2009, 05:54 PM
This is a new prs alpa. I have never done this type of profiling before. I am try to use a 1/8" radius profile on the outside edge. My tool data base only has a 3/8 in it. So I tried drawing it according to the vectric web site for Aspire. When I do pocketing everything works fine. Its just the outside edge profiles that are off about 1/32 when the offset is set to 0.

Gary Campbell
03-27-2009, 06:26 PM
Most of the tools in the database assume almost a zero diameter at the point of a roundover. IF you draw one, make sure you place a horizontal vector half the actual thickness of the bit below that radius. I have done this and it cures the point running inside the vector issue.

You may have to get the exact amount off cut samples. Ie. you keep moving the bit outside the vector until it cuts clean, then add half that amount as the horizontal element of the tool.

03-27-2009, 06:56 PM
Ken you have mail

03-28-2009, 10:26 AM
Bernie/Gary thanks for your help.

Forgive me if I this sounds silly. The bit I used was a Whiteside 2000c with the bearing ground off. I think what you are saying with the smaller diameter amana bit is that I will not be machining all the extra waste material because the overall bit dia is so much smaller. But I still have to figure out the offset for it. Does that sound right.

I have drawn the bit, but it sounds like your method may be more accurate, but I have to admit I did not quite understand how you were measuring . When I drew it I used half the diameter of the bit and I measured the height of the carbide.

When using a bit like I am, a 1/8" radius roundover that is .75 dia overall. When the offset is set to zero is it zero at the outside edge or is it at zero at 1/2" of the diameter of the bit because it is an 1/8" radius so it zeros at the smallest diameter of the radius.

I know I am just missing something simple. I just don't see it yet.

Gary Campbell
03-28-2009, 10:39 AM
Even tho I dont recommend grinding the bearing off, I know it happens. Any bit that you grind the bearing off will have an "inner" diameter the same as the bearing. So your drawn bit should have a .250 flat (assuming 1/2" bearing)on the bottom then transition into the radius.

03-28-2009, 12:29 PM
Ken that is correct. but if you grind off the bearing you don't have a cutter that is ground like a beading bit so unless you remove the material with an end mill the nose of the bit will drag not cut. I think that is what is giving you poor cuts but good perviews in aspire.