View Full Version : Prox sensors for Z

03-09-2009, 10:57 PM
Has anyone ever used Proximity sensors for Zeroing Z?

I just thought about is as I was writing a routing to zero the Z and A to a plate off the spoil board. I though about the need to safely move the Z up after the control has been turned off. Then it accrued to me that we Zero to prox sensors on x and Y so why not Z and A.

I have written a file to set an offset to a plate after surfacing. Why not to a prox sensor?

03-09-2009, 11:03 PM
If all of your bits are exactly the same length and you put them in exactly the same depth in the collet every time i guess it would work great.

03-09-2009, 11:21 PM
I only cut with one bit. I plan on resetting the offset after any resurfacing or bit change.

Other than ease of use, my main issue is re zeroing after cutting problems. I zero to the surface. If I restart a job, it would be nice to be able to re zero without moving the sheet

Gary Campbell
03-09-2009, 11:30 PM
I have a prox on both my Z and A. I use them more as an upper limit switch than to zero, but it wouldnt be hard to write a short file that would do what you want.

In the case of a cutting problem, if you lost your original Z position, you would also lose the software's memory of the offset unless you wrote it down or wrote it to a file, such as the my_variables file.

If you want to do this, take a look at the drilloffset file that comes with the software. This file will show you the syntax for writing a line that can be recalled for your purpose.

03-09-2009, 11:33 PM
If you only cut with one bit and are willing to redo the file after you change that bit then I think it would work fine. My table is larger than 4x8 so rezeroing with a sheet on the table isn't a problem I've had to solve. I always zero down at the other end of the table where there's no material.

The bottom line is that if you can make it work for you so it saves you time and makes you $$ then it's a great idea. I think it only has limited applications but it seems that you are within those limits.

03-10-2009, 07:30 AM
I have Z prox at the upper extent
I have a special safe Z routine. I use it with the jog home also.

03-10-2009, 09:27 AM
I will order a set today.
I have already written a file to store the offset to a plate off the spoil board to the my_variables file. Easy to modify to prox sensors.

Ease of use for employees should improve.
Turn on machine, run one zero routine that does Z,A,X and Y.

Next is a routune to find Drill offsets and A offsets to a plate with a hole in it off the side of the spoilboard.

Just patching together code thats already there.

03-10-2009, 10:15 AM
If you set your z height to a specific height with the proxy switch...you could bring it down to that height with the bit installed, then loosen the collet, and drop your bit to the table top, re-tighten, and now you have your perfect z.

03-10-2009, 10:53 AM
FYI - I have 2 Zz and an air drill.
Bits are only changed when worn.

Operation will be like this.

After resurface or bit change:
2. Zero to surface.
3. Set offset from prox switch to Zero.
4. Write offset to My vars.
All done by one file.

On machine start up
One file that:
Goes to all XYZ and A prox and sets O using offsets in My var file.

This is how X and Y are now done. I will just add A and Z.