View Full Version : A little help with a 2.5d object

03-18-2008, 11:24 PM
Wanting to know if anybody out there with Artcam pro, Rhino or some other 3d software, could help me out with a little 2.5d magic. I have been v carving the above Japanese mon(round object) with Artcam Insigna for several months now and would like to take it a different direction compared to the v carving you can see in the block of cherry. Would love to raise and round over all the black lines in the above object, but I really don't know how hard it would be for a person with one of the above programs to do. Have been looking at the step up to the next level of software, but too tight with the pocket book ;-) I have Millwizard so if someone can convert it to a STL file I can make the cutting file for the time being I just don’t have the working knowledge to make a 3d file with Rhino. Thanks Bryan

03-18-2008, 11:49 PM
Hi Bryan-

VcarvePro can do something like you describe pretty easily. I took your image and simulated this in under 5 minutes - estimated machining time is 14 minutes. Basically pocket out the white parts with an endmill and machine along the edges with a pointy roundover bit.


03-19-2008, 12:03 AM
Have you tried doing a contour cut with a vbit on the edges of the black areas and pocket cut the white areas?


Gary Campbell
03-19-2008, 10:39 AM
We have done that in the past, just as Rob explains. Here is a logo and oval cut into Cherry using the pointed 3/16 radius bit and an area clear using 1/8 & 1/16 end mills. We used a simple machine along vector strategy for the logo.


03-19-2008, 04:51 PM
A littel more input,
I have tried and like the round over bit and it works for smaller samples, but I'm looking at doing one that 12 to 18 inch in dia, that would leave too much flat surface. Unless I'm crazy and try to run a 2" thumbnail bit in the bot. NO very bad Idea, I didn't say that. Anyway, Someone named John Doe has sent me a file in 2.5d and that will work, Just need to find a better orginal for him to work with then the photo about. Thanks to everyone that has replyed or send personnal emails.

Gary Campbell
03-19-2008, 05:10 PM
This was done on an 18" high by 24" wide piece. The area clearance outside of the logo was done with a 3/8 mortise compression. We used 5 different bits and 9 bit changes to complete the machining on both sides of this piece. I think that even tho you can be intimidated by some of these jobs, if you take your time and think them thru, you can expect good results.


03-19-2008, 06:20 PM
With that knowledge Gary, I'm going to have to go out in the shop and see what all sizes of round overs I've got on hand and start playing with different toolpath and setting.
Thanks for a different thought path.

Gary Campbell
03-19-2008, 07:06 PM
We got better results with setting the depth of the pointed roundover to a .165 depth and then setting the area clearance toolpath depths to around .135. That extra depth on the point leaves much cleaner more defined edges. Good Luck