View Full Version : Well it has arrived - Yikes!

07-18-2007, 05:25 PM
Thanks to all of you who suffered my million questions over the last year, particularly Bill P, Bill Y, Ed Lange & Brady & a host of others. Its sitting in its crate & I plan on putting it together on Saturday. When I picked it up at Roadway, got the crate first then I saw the fork operator dragging the rail box down the ramp as the door was not wide enough I freaked out, but on closer inspection there was no damage done ( lucky for him )Now the reality has set in that I have to start making this thing earn its keep ~ a little scary for me. However! Thanks again & I'll post a few pics - Neville

07-18-2007, 05:32 PM
Congrats! Take your time putting it together and get it right as you go. It's much easier to get things right going in than coming back to realize something needs to be changed.

Above all, enjoy!


07-18-2007, 11:38 PM
I was freaked too till I got started and found out it was not as bad as I thought. though leveling everything is a pain. learning to use it is far more work (G)

07-19-2007, 12:33 AM
Because i didn't have a second pair of hands to help lift and position the carriage I got a cumalong and hung it from the joist above and cranked it up just enough to take some of the weight and allowed me to manuever it so i could get all wheels on the tracks. I found that i would get one side mounted, walk around lift other side and it would come off track.

I had my table made by local welder so i just had to mount C rails. By drilling most of the holes but leaving bolts semi loose after carriage mounted i could roll it from end to end and square it up, tighten it down. It was far harder thinking about it then doing it. I was surprised how easy it was.

07-19-2007, 08:01 AM

Fantastic! Happy to hear you baby is there. I know you will take good care of it and take you time putting it together.

Let us know when we all should show up for the party!


Brady Watson
07-19-2007, 10:25 AM
When it comes time to mount your support board and spoilboard, bolt the support board to the steel frame crossmembers. Then GLUE and clamp the spoilboard to it. DO NOT use screws...


07-19-2007, 12:42 PM
AS my wife would say "another SheBot has come into the world.I guess for a while there she felt that it was more important than her.
Congratulations and happy botting

07-19-2007, 01:50 PM
We just watched "The Astronaut Farmer" so now my wife has nicknamed the bot " La otra mujer" - the other woman. I'll take your point Brian & not let that happen... too much anyway!