View Full Version : Hello Shopbotters: Baby Cradle Plans anyone?

02-05-2008, 04:41 PM
Hello All: May I introduce myself? My name is Gerald Martin and I'm "coming out of the weeds", so to speak. I must confess I've been enjoying the benefits of this forum without contributing to it for some time now.... I've had a PRT 96 tool since December 2001, and now have a PRS Alpha on order. I make scripture motto plaques and cut lawn furniture parts, also do custom engraving work. I use ArtCam Insignia and VCarve Pro. My wife and I and our two children live in Southern Illinois.

Does anyone have baby cradle plans they would like to share/trade/sell? I "promised" my wife a cradle before our first child was born in Dec. 2005, and now we have the second baby! At some time I've got to make good on this!
Thank you to all who regularly share to make this forum the great resource it is. I look forward to helping all of you in any way I can.


02-05-2008, 05:26 PM
I think I have one that was designed for dolls. You could resize. Let me know and I will find the file

02-05-2008, 05:32 PM
Here are a few I saw on the net.




02-07-2008, 12:37 PM
Thank you for these responses. I still haven't totally decided on a design, if anyone cares to share any other pattern feel free.
