View Full Version : Health Insurance and the small business...

06-26-2007, 05:16 PM
I know I saw a thread on this before but I can't find it now. I decided to check out the insurance at the home depot toolbox ( www.hdbusinesstoolbox.com (http://www.hdbusinesstoolbox.com) )

The rates seem decent but it is an individual policy. I've applied through the carrier Assurant and the rates are a little lower than we were quoted directly by Assurant. The application process was typical and if approved our agent would be the agent with HD Business Toolbox.

Still, at least in Georgia, I've found no group policies by association of any kind that pan out.

As for the rest of the HDTB services and features they do provide some kind of discount with FedEx. Since my shipping bill with FedExGround for the past 2 months was about $800 I will be investigating.


06-26-2007, 11:00 PM
Speaking about FedEx discounts, I get a discount through Quickbooks. I know American Express also had a discount in the past. My FedEx Ground bill is usually about $1,000-$1,300/mo. this time of year.

... and speaking of QuickBooks, I do alot with QBs beyond accounting. I've designed production schedules (w/QReportGrabber & Excel), do my FedEx Ground shipping (w/ShipRush), and do my credit card processing. The cool thing about QBs is the "plug-in" programs that have been designed to integrate with the data base.

As far as health insurance, I have a Medical Savings Account (simular to HSA) through Blue Cross. We're in our early 40s with two kids. $400 a month for the major medical portion, and whatever we can afford for the savings component.

06-27-2007, 06:31 PM
I was accepted! The rate is 270/month for my wife and myself and the rate locked for 2 years. The plan is better coverage that I was offered by BCBS, only brand name medications have been sort of excluded by way of a very high deductable, but generics are still covered. It is 60/40 and the per person deductable is $3500 but we have a $100 deductable on major accidental hostpitalization.

Not a grand plan so far as coverage goes but at least we're covered with no exclusions.

The HDBT people have actually been very helpful, I was surprised. There are lots of boiler plate documents available for download, some useful, some not.

My FedEx discount is in the works, I should know something in a day or two. I'll let everyone know if it turns out to be something.


07-13-2007, 10:49 PM
To give an update... the policy we were quoted, promised and charged for does not remotely match the policy we received in the mail. Why am I surprised? The coverage as delivered has us with almost $25,000 out of pocket each year as the faxed copy is $13,000 which I find a more acceptable risk.

The FedEx discount has been asked for and supposedly granted... but none of our shipping this week was discounted.

More calls on Monday. Why can't people and businesses just deliver what they promise? Is it really that hard? or... as the more cynical side of me believes... is there a game afoot?


07-13-2007, 10:59 PM
"come along watson...the games afoot".