View Full Version : Another 3.5.4 upgrade failure

11-17-2007, 10:55 PM
I tuned up the Bot today and re-leveled all rails and table. Thought this would be a good time to update the software from 3.4.26 to latest version. Installed it and immediately got hit with the problem of "commport recognized but unable to connect". After an hour of testing, verifying connections, uninstall and re-installing gyrations, the screen said it had "Found New Hardware, need CD for SM BUS Driver". Apparently, the newest update version installed something that required my computer to patch into a new System Management Bus Driver that it did not previously have. After another hour of searching the internet for the new patch and installing it into the computer, I was able to get the computer to recognize and allow the update for the control box firmware and it let me proceeed. I then installed the earliest version of the software I got with my Bot originally and successfully tested it. I then was able to overide that version and install the 3.4.26 I was running before the failed attempt with the latest version. So...did the 3.5.4 software eat the SM BUS Driver that my Intell processor had, or did the new software install a function requiring a driver that I did not have? Don't think I'll be spending another 5 hours retromanaging the newest version until I find out where the bug came from. My computer / Bot was running just fine minutes before the install attempt. Naturally, I didn't wait to install the new stuff during the week when I could reach the SB folks. Reese Loveless

Brady Watson
11-18-2007, 01:30 AM
Did you update the firmware in the control box by running the UI command in SB3? The new control software will NOT run using old firmware. This is a common thing that many (including me from time to time) overlook when updating software.


11-18-2007, 10:23 AM
Hey Brady,
I can only get into preview mode once the new version is installed. Will that work to use the UI command?

11-18-2007, 11:16 AM
Yes Shari it will.

11-18-2007, 01:53 PM

There's always someone on call at ShopBot Tech support, even on the weekends. You may get a voice mail on the weekends but someone will call you back as soon as they get the message.



11-18-2007, 03:56 PM
Thanks to all for the info. On the first attempt, we could never get past the com port issue so we could comtinue on with the update. After making the patch, we then could get past the com port block and were allowed to continue on and update the controlware. We have installed the newest version now and will test it out. Nice to know there is tech support on weekends. Thanks...Reese.