View Full Version : CNC outsource needed
05-21-2007, 12:49 PM
I am looking for a company running screen to machine with cabinetvision. I would like to send my files and have you machine the parts. If interested please email me @ (
05-21-2007, 10:19 PM
Doug-You have mail (again!!)
05-24-2007, 04:13 PM
Would you be interested or is it even possible for you to generate cutting files from my cabinet vision design with your screen to machine capabilities?
05-24-2007, 10:12 PM
James: You have mail.
05-25-2007, 09:02 PM
For those who have e-mailed me to convert their files for them: At this time I neither have nor work with CV, but the first poster on this subject lately is a "neighbor" of mine and I am afraid that my telling him and Jim that they have mail has been interpreted as meaning that I can do something that I never said I could. I presume that those of you e-mailing me have one of the "lighter" versions of CV which at most gives you a cut list that is exportable. The best answer I have at this time is what Pat has been trying to do with Flexcam, but I also know that he has been laying low recently, probably due to the challenges of going from an almost working module to an actually bug fee program.
CV's insistance on "specialty" operating language users such as SB and Thermwood paying them big bucks to do a post processor is what led Ken at Thermwood to develop and give away his own software and Ted to encourage Delcam and KCDW to play nice with each other and work for shop-bot cabinet makers.
It boils down to busting someones code or playing in their yard with their ball and rules. We have all watched MS and Mac go at each other for years with propriatorial programs and it is only now that they are starting to use the same rules in some cases.
From our point of view it may seem like they're being nasty but on the other hand you can't use Chevy pistons in a Ford engine either.
My only advice to anyone at this time who is considering casework software is to make sure it works with the machine you intend to use. If you already have a full version of the software, make sure it will output for the machine you are going to buy. In my shop all of my own work is either designed and toolpathed in Delcam or designed in A-cad and pathed in Delcam. I do, however, have a very quick need to start using my bot more for basic cab's and will be deeper into this subject shortly.
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