View Full Version : Broken on a holiday weekend....

05-26-2007, 09:20 AM
This morning I had to change a blade on my table saw and some how set a level down beside the Shopbot. After changing the blade, I went over to the Shopbot to move the carriage down so I could remove the blank from my last project. Didn't notice the level, it caught in the motor and pretty much jammed the level through the back of my control box that is mounted under the table on that side. I quickly shut everything down, removed the level, and took out the control box. Several of the component we bent over but as far as I could tell nothing was broke off the board. The only thing I knew was broke was the ground mounted to the back wall of the box. I fixed that, cleaned everything up and tried powering everything back up. Everything looked good but when I try to make the Bot move the motors just click. The numbers are scrolling on the control software but nothing is actually moving. Not in X or Y.

Normally I would just take this as a sign I needed to take the holiday weekend off and drive the box up to Shopbot on Tuesday but I have a project to finish that has to be delivered for a memorial.

Is there anything else I can check to see if she'll run again without professional help from the Shopbot repair guru?

Thanks in advance even if the answer is not what I want to hear.


05-26-2007, 11:47 AM
Aw man! I see that I'm not the only one!

Check to be sure that all the driver/cable connections are good and any other connections that could have gotten knocked loose. Wires pulled out of a connector. There could very well be something that got shorted out, a cracked board or a trace scratched on the board, some little unseen item knocked off, etc.

Good luck!

I'd better take care today too!

05-26-2007, 06:37 PM
Know exacty how you feel Scott. I should have took the weekend off too. Just spent the last week on ,(finally), my own solid surface countertop. I went the extra mile on this one because it was a black top. I have 6 hours just in finishing and polishing to a nice luster. Went to move it in place no less than 30 min ago and it snapped in 2 places. I didn't cry but my eyes were a little watery.
I'm sitting here reading the forum just to cool off a bit and clear my head before tackling the fix.
Geesh what a bad day!

05-26-2007, 07:13 PM
This is the very reason i close my shop doors when i work because when something bad happens man i let the cusswords fly! I usually have something close by that i can throw and break that is expendible. Thats MY therapy...

05-28-2007, 04:20 PM
The temporary solution to my problem is the reason I decided to go with a Shopbot. I contacted another Shopbot user in my area and he gladly welcomed me into his shop. Not only did I meet a fine gentleman that knows a ton about using the Shopbot, hopefully we can work together on projects in the future. That afternoon alone has re-energized my shopbot future. Now hopefully I will get good news about my board from repair shop.

Thanks again Gene. You really saved me this weekend!