View Full Version : Got the vacuum table made works well till

05-15-2007, 11:25 PM
Got it hup and running today. I am waiting to get the second fein since Amazon was out of them.
I made 4 zones and a vac on each two or joined if needed.
one mistake I made I put the grooves in the bottom pf the spoilboard then I surfaced it. I Noticed some low spots so I figured I would turn off the vacuum till I flipped it over. Then as the first surfacing pass was getting done all 4 corners lift up.
I did not expect the sheet to move that fast. So I end up taking off more then planned.
Flip it over turn on the vac (I used two sided tape made for vacuuming to seal the two sheets and went to lunch. Surfaced it and tried it out. One zone on the vac and a 16x14 piece of bamboo plywood held ok. Not sure how deep I could cut with it but I was only doing .19 with a ¼” bit. My mistake was I removed too much of the surface layer and the wood warped while it was cutting. I did not know why the vacuum was not working at the time I just nailed the corners down.
Is there any real way to deal with a slight warpage? Put foam tape around the edges?

But I got a killer deal on the foam tape two rolls about 1.5” wide for 1.50 each they were scrap left over from wider rolls. they tape was between 1/4 and 3/16" wide.