View Full Version : Kicking butt and taking names
04-04-2007, 12:20 AM
Well, after working with All the fellows at shopbot, I am officially up and running. Few little and I mean little tch glitces, but with a little mail time, this baby is up and running. I had never seen one run before putting mine together. YIKES! In 1 1/2 hour, cut out a complete set of cabinets. Tomorrow I get to assemble, Sad thing is, I would love to cut out something else. Thanks to all the people who helped me get to this point. For those who are talking about PRS out of square let me assure you, once you set blocks correctly and squared, it is EASY (I had to have someone show me though)
04-04-2007, 01:45 AM
Baby steps, little steps, makes one become a shopbotter
04-04-2007, 07:38 AM
Congrats on the birth of your new baby (PRS) Martin. Just like any proud parent I am sure you would be glad to brag and post all the creative things that you two create together. How about posting some pics of the little fella? I think everyone is very interested in seeing the PRS machines.
Take Care
04-04-2007, 05:02 PM
Martin....I'm sure this is how you feel upon awakening that big monster:
What type of software are you using and how many cabinets are there in the set?
Make sure you let us know about the way the cabinets fit together ..
04-05-2007, 08:25 AM
Right now I am just using Parts wizard or Artcam. This set of cabinets for uppers and lowers, I cut 15 sheets of 3/4"Birch and Cherry plywood. Average cut time was around 5 minutes or so. Started cutting at 4 in sec, the 5, then 6, 7, and then 8. Someone said they were cutting at 10, but 8 was fast enough for me. I get other machine off the table, load a new one, start it and then sort other pieces and MAYBE start assemblying them, then that sheet I was cutting is finished so start that process over. Needles to say, 2 people cannot keep up with the machine building cabinets. I dadoed everything to interloc and also leveling strips for my drawers. SIde and inner supports were the same just copied and pasted, Shelves and other pieces copy pasted and modified to length.
What type and what brand of tooling are you using ? Are all of the dados just slots for the bottom and shelves to slide into ? Please post pictures when youre completed . What type of finish cut did the veneer look like ?
04-06-2007, 11:24 PM
I have a 4hp spindle, PRS alpha 5x8 table with 2 fein vacs for holddown. I got CRAZY and dadoed everything just to see and have fun. I even dadoes a place to rest my drawer saddles on. I added 1/16" to dado size and it slide in PERFECTLY. My only screw up was using a 1/4" bit at first and I broke it and left it in spoilboard. I later hit thta same broken bit with a new 3/8" bit, slightly damaging new bit. Bottom of veneer was a little fuzzy after that. I stood it up on end ran belt sander over it (5 secs) and it is perfect, could ahve cut it with a knife, but I like sanding. Bit was still hot, even at 8 in sec. Started to turn spindle speed down to see if I could cool it down a little, but out of cutting work. Have too much assmeblying to do now.
Does the 3/8 bit do that much better than a 1/4 bit cut wise ?I take it that the 3/8 was a down shear bit? Are theese face frame or european cabinets?
04-08-2007, 08:54 PM
Yes Down Shear. I have some compressions to see how they perform. My cabinets are face frame. I tried to use 1/4" but when I broke 2 pretty quick, I got scared and shifted to 3/8" Have not had a problem since then. I am interested to see how compression bit does though.
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