View Full Version : Dust collection

01-13-2005, 07:42 PM
I need some help on a dust collection system for MDF. Somewhere on this thread someone talked about a system of dust bags and multiple cylone lids,but I've been unable to find it.
Thanks for your help

01-13-2005, 08:26 PM
Bill P. should be able to give you some suggestions, I understand he hates the stuff.

Seriously, I drop my dust collection head as close to the work as possible. Put masking tape over the hole for the bit so that the bit just clears it. I am using a Lee Valley Cyclone over a plastic garbage can then to only a one horse power dust collector. I did go to my local tool store and purchased 1 micron bags for it. In fact I use a large industrial garbage bag in the bottom of the dust collector.

Still get some dust but nothing like I used to before I added the cyclone and the 1 micron bag.

01-13-2005, 08:47 PM
Jay is right, I DO hate the stuff as it gives me serious sinus headaches as soon as I start to cut it
( so obviously I avoid it as much as possible..). I know that Penn State Industries has a complete line of cyclones and bags for sale at decent prices. Jay is also right on track with the 1 micron bags too, they DO make a difference which is visible on the outside of the bag. You rarely see dust on the outside of a 1 micron rig.
I too use the masking tape to minimize the size of the opening on my dust collector, as it really helps to keep the down draft of the router from competing with the vacuum pickup. If you have a Porter Cable or Makita router I would strongly recommend that you get the "air deflector" fitting Shopbot sells which will divert the router "exhaust" upwards so this helps a great deal as well. Costs about 20-25 bucks and it's money WELL spent.
I've switched over to Trupan for every application where I used to use MDF. The benefits of the material are posted in another thread on this Forum, but in short it's lighter, carves better, sands easier, and can be stained etc. Being made of Pine there is MUCH less of a hazard with formaldahyde binders ( and I don't get the sinus headaches because of this....), and the surface skin is beautiful for painting/coating.
If you CAN capture the MDF dust at the router bit, you are ahead of the game because once it's in the air, it goes everywhere.....

01-13-2005, 09:03 PM
Morris Dovey has a picture of his multiple cyclonic dust collection system at http://www.iedu.com/DeSoto

01-13-2005, 09:41 PM
I appreciate all the help. I'am thinking of going with a Delta 2100CFM 1 micron dust collector with two 55 Gal. drums with cyclone lids.Any thoughts on this system ?

01-13-2005, 10:20 PM

[Nod to Jeff] I'm running a cheap HF DC with two 55 gal drums inline using Lee Valley cyclone lids. The cyclones work so well that the DC bags are cleaner on the inside than on the outside. You can take a look at my setup here (http://www.iedu.com/DeSoto/dust_collection.html).
BTW - I've never needed to empty the DC bags; and have been thinking seriously about removing 'em altogether to improve airflow.
