View Full Version : 7 Years Without a Vacuum Table. (I'm throwing in the towel!)

04-12-2008, 01:30 PM
While cutting out some small (2.5" tall), 3mm thick Polymetal letters the other day, I found myself doing a very stupid and dangerous thing. The only way I could get a clean cut was to reach in and hold the little letters down with my fingers as the router finished the cut. I thought; "Tucker, it's time you came out of the stone age, old man!"

In the past, I've mostly cut HDU 2.5D, and screwing down the foam worked fine for me. Nowadays, I'm finding more and more uses and demand for Polymetal and other thinner materials that need to be cut through, and I'd really prefer not to loose any fingers doing it.

Sooo, I did a search in here on vacuum tables and really couldn't find any plans. I know it's been discussed many times at length but since I wasn't really interested at the time, I didn't pay too much attention. I remember that a lot of guys use the Feins, but that's all I recall.

If anyone has the time, please clue me in as to what I need to do to build a vacuum table that works, doesn't cost a fortune, and will save my fingers. I have a PRT 48x96, an old machine with a wooden table. My current table top is 2 sheets of 3/4" MDF, but I imagine that needs to come off? Also, for what it's worth, it needs to be a 110v system if possible.

I've seen it stated that "Once you vac, you'll never go back." True? Thanks in advance!


04-12-2008, 01:41 PM
Go for the Feins - work great with my PR/PRT. No more clamping/screwing/unclamping/unscrewing, etc,etc...
Even one Fein does the trick for alot of things. My 2 cents.....(took me a while to spring for vac, can't do without it now),plus I also needed the 110v solution

04-12-2008, 01:48 PM
Mark look at open source vacuum thread some good ideas there.. I built a vacuum system for alot less than two feins cost. 110 and very powerfull!!!!!


04-12-2008, 01:54 PM
Blair - I don't see the thread. Where's it at? Can you post a link? THANKS!

04-12-2008, 02:05 PM
Here are some threads to get you started on your way





04-12-2008, 02:11 PM
Thanks Ed! You da man! :-)

04-12-2008, 05:17 PM

I will even send you the VCP files for my variation. Cost less than one Fein!

04-13-2008, 09:49 PM
This is certainly not the response you asked for, but it does offer a VERY inexpensive alternative that works really well ...

We are a 60-year-old sign shop, and for years we have been using "Engraver's Tape" to hold small parts on our rotary engraving machine tables.

The Engraver's Tape we use is the "S-5" thin both-sides-sticky paper tape that is sold by SpecTape http://www.spectape.com/paper.asp

This also works really well on our ShopBot. We usually buy this tape in 1" wide rolls, and it is easy to both apply and remove. We have cut out lettering as small as 1/2" tall on our ShopBot using nothing but this tape to hold the material down.

The materials we generally cut range from 1/16" thick engraving stock to 1/2" thick Sintra. As long as your table top and the backside of the material are dust-free, this tape holds beautifully.

I hope this helps!

04-22-2008, 06:16 AM
Charlie... am I blind?

I don't see a "S-5" tape with SpecTape?

04-22-2008, 08:58 AM

I meant to say "ST-5"

Sorry for the confusion.