View Full Version : Entering cent-sign, degree-mark, copyright symbol, etc.

10-20-2008, 03:07 PM
In another thread, Eric Sifford asked, ". . . where did the cent mark go, you know, the C with a line through it?"

Getting rid of the cent-mark was probably a nefarious scheme involving nepotism and intrigue at Microsoft.

Here's how to get a cent-mark (¢) in some fonts:
While holding down the Alt-key, press 0162 on your numeric keypad , and then release the Alt-key. Voila, the cent-mark appears. Be sure you use your numeric keypad -- the block of numbers at the right of your keyboard -- NOT the numbers across the TOP of your keyboard!

Here's how to access some other characters that also have been mapped to be upper-ASCII:
Alt 0176 -- degree-mark, °
Alt 0169 -- copyright symbol, ©
Alt 0188 -- one-quarter, ¼
Alt 0189 -- one-half, ½
Alt 0190 -- three-quarters, ¾

Note that the result you get is font-dependent. If you use this technique while you are "in" the Symbols or Wingdings font, you will get a different result.


10-20-2008, 05:37 PM
Frank that is useful info!

Another method (the one I use) is to open the character map (in xp it is found in start:programs:accessories:system tools).

Then select the font you want, enter "cent" in the search box, various symbols "percent", "cent" and others will show up. Select the cent symbol and copy.. then paste it where you want it to go.

You can use this with any symbol and not have to remember nearly as much..


10-21-2008, 02:02 PM
Dana's method is the one I mostly use, just make sure to check the "advanced" checkbox so you get the search field. (I think it's 'advanced' in English, in Swedish it's called 'avancerat läge'.)