View Full Version : Videos and Update list for CabinetPartsPro
Ryan Patterson
09-19-2007, 08:52 PM
I have had a few emails on what will be in the next update of Cabinetpartspro. I thought you might like to know what is planned for future versions. The list below is not a complete list, please let me know if you would like to see a feature not on the list. There are many features already in CabinetPartsPro. If you have any questions about the features it now has email me at ( I have added some video’s and pictures to you can download them here . I also added a photo gallery of some of the cabinetry I have done here .
Holes for Rafix
Allow different materials on the same cabinet
Option to nest all like parts to the same sheets.
Clean up the way features are selected
Allow all features to be selected for each cabinet type
Improve importing excel files
Panel designer
Panel library
Corner cabinets
Selective hole drilling for shelves
If you hhave a cabinet shop and dont want to spend upward of $10k for software this is the way to go.
When I first started to use CPP I didnt like it very much, but later I realised that the reason was that I had been used to KCDw for soo long that I wanted everything to work exactly like it did.
If you spend some time with this software getting used to the ins and outs etc it is a really good package.
Wish list for this software:
I want ability to create mdf doors in this software and easily nest them onto multiple sheets and ability to have 4-5 different types of door styles that I can pull up.
I know I know wish in one hand.........
Really good software, if you are building 1 cabinet or have a shop its worth the small investment I use it daily.
09-19-2007, 10:50 PM
Drill for comformat screws.
09-20-2007, 09:56 AM
ability to rotate nested pieces or the ability to relabel the x and y axes. I have a PR32, supposedly 32x32", but it will cut 33 in the x, and 35" in the y axis. having the ability to rotate pieces would give me (and others with smaller machines) a chance to cut cabinets. Right now, it seems like the software wants to put the longest lengths down the x axis which completely screws me.
09-20-2007, 02:29 PM
You can rotate parts, in the nesting view all you have to do is right click and change the propoerties of the part.
Hi Ryan,
Afew things i would like to see on a new version of your software is the ability to change the drawer spacing sizes , location of the holes drilled for blum metabox drawers , the ability to change the width on the spreaders and add ramping into the work. ( also Santa i want a red rider bb gun) . Its a good program and i am sure i am not using it to its full capacity . I would like to use it as a standard type of the way i build it would make things simpler for me as well as alot of others .Thanks for your hard work . If you make the upgrades and there is a fee to upgrade thats fine , it would be worth it . I appreciate the program . Thanks Gene
Ryan Patterson
12-18-2007, 10:12 PM
There is an updated version. Everyone gave great suggests on what they would like to have. I hope to have another update soon. If you have any questions please email me at (
Update includes: Version 7.2.1
Option on settings page to nest all backs to separate sheets.
Selective hole drilling for shelves. drill a set of holes every set number of inches/millimeters.
Improved: using multiple spindles / drills
12-19-2007, 05:25 AM
Ryan -
I downloaded the free version and install. After launching the program and checking the version, it's still version 7.0.20. How do I get the free version of 7.2.1? Does this version also have the RTA option? I've held off buying the pro version waiting for this feature.
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